用枚举配合switch case语句。 用多态与虚函数(也就是状态模式)。 下面让我们用代码来实现。不妨先从简单的方式开始,用枚举与switch case语句实现。 四、用枚举配合switch case实现状态机 我们知道,上文中实现的女英雄类Heroine有一些布尔类型的成员变量:isJumping_和isDucking,但是这两个变量永远不可能同时为True。
switch ((int)style) { case (int)MessageBox.Style.OnlyOK: buttonGroups[(int)MessageBox.Style.OnlyOK].SetActive(true); buttonGroups[(int)MessageBox.Style.OKAndCancel].SetActive(false); break; case (int)MessageBox.Style.OKAndCancel: buttonGroups[(int)MessageBox.Style.OnlyOK].SetActive(false); bu...
Vector2 position = default) { if (treeData == null) { return; } MakeSureTheFolder(); NodeViewBase nodeView = null; //创建节点的核心,新增的节点需要在这里进行创建方式的添加 switch (type) { case NodeType.Start:
toAssets > Create > ScriptableObjects > SpawnManagerScriptableObject. Give your new ScriptableObject instance a meaningful name and alter the values. To use these values, you need to create a new script that references your ScriptableObject, in this case, aSpawnManagerScriptableObject. For example: ...
var reData = MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<IUnionSample>(bin); // Use with e.g. type-switching in C# 7.0 switch (reData) { case FooClass x: Console.WriteLine(x.XYZ); break; case BarClass x: Console.WriteLine(x.OPQ); break; default: break; }Unions...
/// private int GetIndex(byte mask) { switch (mask) { case 0: return 0; case 3: case 6: case 9: case 12: return 1; case 1: case 2: case 4: case 5: case 10: case 8: return 2; case 7: case 11: case 13: case 14: return 3; case 15: return 4; } return -1; ...
Proper memory management in Unity can be challenging. The goal of this guide is to fit you with the necessary knowledge to profile and optimize memory consumption on any publicly available platform.
{ switch (points.Count) { case0: return Vector3.zero; case1: return transform.TransformPoint(points[0]); case2: return transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.Lerp(points[0], points[1], t)); case3: return transform.TransformPoint(points[1]); default...
color:Color.gray;if(GUILayout.Button("引用","ButtonRight")){mode=Mode.Reference;}GUI.color=color;}GUILayout.EndHorizontal();switch(mode){caseMode.Dependence:OnDependenceGUI();break;caseMode.Reference:OnReferenceGUI();break;}}GUILayout.EndVertical();}privatevoidGetDependencies(){string guid=...
在Unity中创建新的类时,要充分利用接口和抽象的优势。这可以避免逻辑中使用过多的switch或者if,而导致后续难以拓展。一旦你习惯了在开闭原则的指导下设计类的结构,那么在长期的工作中不断添加新代码就会变得简单。 1.3里氏替换原则Liskov substitution principle ...