This sets a value of typeUnityXREyes. Note:TheUnityXRInputFeatureUsageIndexpassed in is the same one returned when adding that individual feature to the device definition when filling out theUnityXRInputFeatureDefinition. Feature-specific structs ...
Feature set: A feature set* is a collection of related packages that you can use to achieve specific results in the Unity Editor. You can manage feature sets directly in Unity’s Package Manager. More info Git 依赖项*: Package Manager 直接从 Git 代码仓库而不是从包注册表中检索 Git 依赖...
Cycly Offset:用于设置控制循环的时候起始帧偏移量 Root Transform Rotation:表示为播放动画的对象的旋转方面的信息 Bake Into Pose:不勾选表示动画产生的旋转或位移会应用到播放动画的主体对象上,勾选则表示不会应用到播放动画的主体对象上 Based Upon:基准点 Original:动画文件中指定的旋转值 Root Node Rotation:动画...
rectTransform.SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge(RectTransform.Edge.Top, 0, 0); 说明:SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge用于设置Left、Top、Right、Bottom值, 第一个参数为Edge枚举,用于指定上下左右方向; 第二个参数为指定方向的值,比如当前设置Top为0; 第三个参数为对立方向的负值,比如当前等同于设置Bottom = -0,如果...
Updated UNT0006 to support all OnPostprocessAllAssets overloads. Added UNT0031, Asset operations in LoadAttribute method. Added UNT0032, Inefficient method to set localPosition and localRotation. Added UNT0033, Incorrect message case. Bumped severity to Warning for UNT0033, UNT0015 and UNT0006 dia...
// 缩放速度 public float rotationSpeed = 1f; // 旋转速度 public float pitchSpeed = 0.1f; // 俯仰角速度 private float lastDistance; // 双指之间的上一次距离 // 保存初始相机状态 private Vector3 initialPosition; private Quaternion initialRotation; void Start() { // 保存初始位置、旋转和视场角...
Each property can be folded and unfolded to reveal the exact values recorded at each keyframe. 在Animation窗口里面,不仅物体的子物体会展示在Hierarchy里面,一些属性也会以Hierarchy的形式存在,如下图所示,一个rotation分为了三个部分,rotation本身是一个property,property也是可以进行折叠和展开的,不过这里好像只有...
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir); } } public float xRotationSpeed = 250.0f; float xRotation = 0f; public void MoveCrow() { xRotation -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * xRotationSpeed * 0.02f; rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, -xRotation, 0); transform.rotation = rotation; ...
When working in a large scene, you may find it valuable to teleport the player to a specific location at startup. To achieve this: In theHierarchy, selectMeshEmulatorSetup [NoUpload]. In theInspector, navigate to theMesh Emulator Setupscript. ...