下面是ObjectPool的脚本,函数的设计是为了让他们看起来更像unity原生的Instantiate和Destroy。 using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ObjectPool : MonoBehaviour { //自身单例 public static ObjectPool me; //池的存储 //TODO 此处value使用自定义封装类型而不...
UnityEngine.VR.GetLocalRotation函数可以用于获取相机的本地旋转信息,即相机相对于其父对象的旋转。它返回一个Quaternion类型的值,表示相机的旋转。 在游戏开发中,可以使用UnityEngine.VR.GetLocalRotation函数来获取相机的旋转信息,并根据需要进行相应的处理,例如在游戏中控制相机的视角或实现特定的效果。
Wrong position and rotation values are returned when using transformAccess.GetLocalPositionAndRotation -- - Feb 01, 2024 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “My project.zip” project 2. Open the “Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” Scene 3. Enter the Pl...
TODO:fix itinternalvoid SetPosition(Matrix4x4 matrix) {this.gameObject.transform.position = matrix.GetPosition();this.gameObject.transform.rotation = matrix.GetUnityRotation();this.gameObject.transform.localScale = matrix.GetScale(); } 开发者ID:freddiehonohan,...
Crash on WheelCollider::GetRotationSpeed when retrieving the rotationSpeed property of the WheelCollider -- - Aug 24, 2023 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “repro-project“ 2. Open the ”Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Ob...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other Animator.GetIKRotationWeight public float GetIKRotationWeight (AvatarIKGoal goal); 参数 goal 所查询的 AvatarIKGoal。描述 获取反向动力学目标的旋转权重(0 = 在反向动力学前旋转,1 = 在反向动力学目标处旋转)。
言語:日本語 AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalRotation publicQuaternionGetGoalRotation(AvatarIKGoalindex); パラメーター index参照された AvatarIKGoal 戻り値 QuaternionThe rotation of this IK goal. 説明 Returns the rotation of this IK goal in world space. ...
o.Value = m.GetVector(p.name);break;caseMaterialProperty.PropertyType.textureOffset: o.Value = m.GetTextureOffset(p.name);break;caseMaterialProperty.PropertyType.textureScale: o.Value = m.GetTextureScale(p.name);break;caseMaterialProperty.PropertyType.matrix: ...
I am a newbie of everything (unity, vive stuffs ) and i Really need your help . What i want is to get the log data of eyetracking data( origin , direction ) , head data (position , rotation ) from focus 3 and the timestamp when that data changes. I want
Get the default maximum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees. 获取一个肌肉的默认最大旋转值,单位度。 The default maximum applies to all three axes of rotation for the muscle. The indexing order for the muscles is the same as that of the MuscleName array. 默认最大值应用于肌肉旋转全部...