Unity语句解释 Quaternion transform.rotation(物体四元数旋转角度,四元数表示方向) 上月球去写甲骨文 4476 8 Unity语句解释 Rigidbody.velocity.magnitude(刚体移动速度) 上月球去写甲骨文 1413 1 Unity语句解释 拿接口来用就要遵循接口的规矩(C#接口interface) 上月球去写甲骨文 3460 3 Unity语句解释 Cursor.Se...
UnityEngine.VR.GetLocalRotation函数可以用于获取相机的本地旋转信息,即相机相对于其父对象的旋转。它返回一个Quaternion类型的值,表示相机的旋转。 在游戏开发中,可以使用UnityEngine.VR.GetLocalRotation函数来获取相机的旋转信息,并根据需要进行相应的处理,例如在游戏中控制相机的视角或实现特定的效果。 腾讯云提供了...
Crash on WheelCollider::GetRotationSpeed when retrieving the rotationSpeed property of the WheelCollider -- - Aug 24, 2023 Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached “repro-project“ 2. Open the ”Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity” scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. O...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other Animator.GetIKRotationWeight public float GetIKRotationWeight (AvatarIKGoal goal); 参数 goal 所查询的 AvatarIKGoal。描述 获取反向动力学目标的旋转权重(0 = 在反向动力学前旋转,1 = 在反向动力学目标处旋转)。
在下文中一共展示了Matrix4x4.GetUnityRotation方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C#代码示例。 示例1: SetPosition TODO:fix itinternalvoid SetPosition(Matrix4x4 matrix) ...
UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity Other InteractionSourcePose.TryGetRotation public bool TryGetRotation (out Quaternion rotation, XR.WSA.Input.InteractionSourceNode node); パラメーター node Specifies which part of the controller to query for its rotation. rotation The rotation of the interaction ...
Get the default maximum value of rotation for a muscle in degrees. 获取一个肌肉的默认最大旋转值,单位度。 The default maximum applies to all three axes of rotation for the muscle. The indexing order for the muscles is the same as that of the MuscleName array. 默认最大值应用于肌肉旋转全部...
I am a newbie of everything (unity, vive stuffs ) and i Really need your help . What i want is to get the log data of eyetracking data( origin , direction ) , head data (position , rotation ) from focus 3 and the timestamp when that data changes. I want
Pre-rotation vkCreateDevice 插件管理框架 Overview Class Summary Param IPlugin PluginManager Enum Value Summary ParameterType 离线超分插件 Overview Interface Summary CInitialize CUninitialize CSetAssetsDir CGetAssetsDir CQuerySuperSamplingPluginConfig CQueryImageEnhancingPluginConfi...
transform.localRotation = lr; transform.localScale = ls; transform.SetSiblingIndex(index); transformSO.Update(); toSO.Update(); transformSO.FindProperty("m_PrefabInternal").objectReferenceValue = transformPrefabLink; toSO.FindProperty("m_PrefabInternal").objectReferenceValue = toPrefabLink; ...