找不了孙子// transform.Find能找到失活的儿子,而GameObject相关的查找 是找不到失活对象的print(this.transform.Find("Son2").name);//2.得到有多少个儿子(失活的儿子也算,孙子不算)print(this.transform.childCount
//修改子物体顺序GameObjectnewChild=newGameObject("newChild"); newChild.transform.SetAsFirstSibling(); newChild.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); newChild.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); 4_动态创建单例 //单例,脚本不需要事先挂载到场景,在游戏运行过程中,第一次用到该单例的时候,自动实例化到场景staticScri...
//2.找个新父亲(需要赋值一个对象的transform) this.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("Father2").transform; //3.通过API来进行父子关系的设置 //参数1 父对象的Transform //参数2 是否保留本对象在世界坐标系下的位置、角度、缩放信息 // 如果填true,则会保留世界坐标系下的状态和父对象进行计算 得出想...
If I want an image in my UI, I simply click on GameObject | UI | Image and assign a 2D sprite image to this new component. I can set these values just as with any other game object. I hope you see a pattern by now. To create a simple GUI, create the UI objects via the GameO...
/// - Create a camera. Make the camera a child of the capsule. Reset it's transform. /// - Add a MouseLook script to the camera. /// -> Set the mouse look to use LookY. (You want the camera to tilt up and down like a head. The character already turns.) ...
常用解决办法1:NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.没有初始化物体的原因最主要的一个就是:物体本身的活性没有激活(√被去掉了).你首先要查看,GameObject的活性是否在运行前就没有激活,还是程序运行时你的某些脚本导致程序运行时将它的活性取消了,激活活性此...
GameObjectis now active and can be foundplayer.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().isKinematic =false;//Player is now affected by physicsplayer.transform.SetPositionXY (-6.0f,-0.4f);//set starting position for Playerskin = Resources.Load ("GUISkin")asGUISkin;//darkness =GameObject.FindGameObjectWith...
GameObject菜单 Create Empty 创建空物体 Create Empty Child: 创建空物体在当前物体下,即子物体 3D Object: 3D物体 2D Object : 2D物体 Light : 灯光 Audio:声音 UI:UI Particel System : 粒子系统 Camera : 相机 Center On Child : 在子物体居中 ...
GameObject 的静态状态 Some of Unity’s systems, such as Global Illumination, Occlusion, Batching, Navigation, and Reflection Probes, rely on .You can control which of Unity’s systems consider the GameObject to bestaticby usingGameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags. Read more aboutStatic GameObjects...
void UpdateScore() { var score = GameObject.Find("Score").GetComponent<GUIText>(); score.text = "Score: 0"; } This is a slightly shortened example. For performance, I’d actually cache a reference to the GUIText component in the Start method so as to not query for it every method...