首先是每一个GameObject有两个和active状态有关的属性,分别是activeSelf,和activeInHierarchy,前者代表这个GameObject节点自己是Active的;后者代表它在所处的层级中都是激活的,也就是说它的父节点,它父节点的父节点...一直到场景下面的根节点全都是激活状态。 而官方文档里的说的returnsactiveGameObjects,其实是只能查找...
GetComponentInChildren Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. GetComponents Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. GetComponentsInChildren Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children. Gam...
}privateMode currentMode =Mode.Name;privatestringsearchText =string.Empty;privateList<GameObject> searchedGameObjects =newList<GameObject>();privateVector2 scrollPosition;voidOnGUI(){ EditorGUILayout.LabelField(newGUIContent("Keyword:"),EditorStyles.boldLabel); searchText=SearchField(searchText);//if(...
GetComponentInChildren Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search. GetComponentInParent Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its parents. GetComponents Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject. GetCompo...
所有按鈕物件都會建立為空白 GameObject 的子系。 請將此父物件視為所有按鈕物件的容器。 此結構可作為您預製物件的組織。現在您將使用 MRTK 提供的指令碼,從頭開始建立可顯示玩家姓名和相片的按鈕。重要 為確保您將建立的物件不會與專案指令碼產生衝突,請依照本課程模組所述來命名所有物件。
所有按鈕物件都會建立為空白 GameObject 的子系。 請將此父物件視為所有按鈕物件的容器。 此結構可作為您預製物件的組織。現在您將使用 MRTK 提供的指令碼,從頭開始建立可顯示玩家姓名和相片的按鈕。重要 為確保您將建立的物件不會與專案指令碼產生衝突,請依照本課程模組所述來命名所有物件。
GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag Leave feedback Switch to Manual Declaration public static GameObject[]FindGameObjectsWithTag(stringtag); Parameters tagThe name of the tag to search forGameObjectsby. Description Retrieves an array of all active GameObjects tagged with the specified tag. Returns an ...
// // 参数: // methodName: // // time: public void Invoke(string methodName, float time); // // 摘要: // Invokes the method methodName in time seconds, then repeatedly every repeatRate // seconds. // // 参数: // methodName: // // time: // // repeatRate: public void ...
License awesome-unity3d A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d resources (including some projects related to game development) Assets Icons Collections / Forums Creation Tools Audio Articles Books Open Source Repositories 2D 2D Bones / IK ...
Using this overload avoids the allocation of a root transform hierarchy for the new GameObject. In tests, this speeds up the time required for an instantiate operation by about 5-10%. 将步骤标记为已完成 3.The Resources folder 0 This chapter discusses the Resources system. This is the system...