//yield on a newYieldInstructionthat waits for 5 seconds. yield return newWaitForSeconds(5); //After we have waited 5 seconds print the time again.Debug.Log("FinishedCoroutineat timestamp : " +Time.time); } } 另请参阅:MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine、AsyncOperation、WaitForEndOfFrame、WaitForFixedUpda...
Variables waitTimeThe given amount of seconds that the yield instruction will wait for. Constructors WaitForSecondsRealtime创建一个 yield 指令,以使用未缩放时间等待指定的秒数。 Inherited members Variables keepWaiting指示协同程序是否应保持暂停。
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { //C# coroutine IEnumerator SomeCoroutine() { //Wait for one frame yield return 0; } //Wait for two seconds yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); } 5、不能使用命名空间(Namespace) 当前的Unity不支持把脚本放到一个命名空间中。这可能在将来的版本中...
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { // C# coroutine // C# 协同程序 IEnumerator SomeCoroutine () { // Wait for one frame // 等一帧 yield return 0; // Wait for two seconds // 等两秒 yield return new WaitForSeconds (2); } } 5. Don't use namespaces. 不要使用命名空间 ...
// Kills the game object in 5 seconds after loading the object //载入物体5秒后销毁游戏物体 Destroy (gameObject, 5); // When the user presses Ctrl, it will remove the script // named FooScript from the game object //当按下Ctrl将从游戏物体删除名为FooScript的脚本 ...
// 协同程序WaitAndPrint在Start函数内执行,可以视同于它与Start函数同步执行.StartCoroutine(WaitAndPrint(2.0)); print ("Before WaitAndPrint Finishes " + Time.time );}function WaitAndPrint (waitTime : float) {// suspend execution for waitTime seconds// 暂停执行waitTime秒yield WaitForSeconds (wait...
print ("Starting " + Time.time);// Start function WaitAndPrint as a coroutineyield WaitAndPrint();print ("Done " + Time.time);function WaitAndPrint () { // suspend execution for 5 seconds yield WaitForSeconds (5); print ("WaitAndPrint "+ Time.time);}...
// can not get click event during 3 seconds complete. await button.OnClickAsAsyncEnumerable().ForEachAwaitAsync(async x => { await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)); });It is useful (prevent double-click) but not useful sometimes....
/Applications/Unity/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -quit -batchmode -projectPath ~/UnityProjects/MyProject -executeMethod MyEditorScript.PerformBuild Unity Editor 特殊命令行参数 应该只在特殊情况下或者在 Unity 支持人员的指导下使用这些命令行参数。
For example, await SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync is returned from EarlyUpdate.UpdatePreloading and after being called, the loaded scene's Start is called from EarlyUpdate.ScriptRunDelayedStartupFrame. Also await UnityWebRequest is returned from EarlyUpdate.ExecuteMainThreadJobs....