//wait for one frame yield; ... } 你也可以传递一个特定的值给yield语句来推迟Update函数的执行,直到某个事件发生: //do something //wait for 5 seconds yield WaitForSeconds(5.0); //do something more... 你可以堆积并连接一些协同程序(Coroutine)。例如,下面的示例在执行Do函数时, 立即执行随后的代码...
_animator.SetTrigger("Attack"); // Wait for .5 to 4 seconds before playing attacking animation, repeat. float randomTime = Random.Range(.5f, 4f); yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomTime); } Physics and Collision Detection Physics and collision detection features in 3D are nearly the same...
/// Lockable coroutine. Can either wait for a previous coroutine to finish or a timeout or just bail if previous one isn't done. /// Caution: the default timeout is 10 seconds. Coroutines that timeout just drop so if its essential increase this timeout. /// Set waitTime to 0 for...
But Wait, I Want More! This article serves as an overview of the architecture and process in Unity. I covered the interface, basics of assigning code, GameObjects, components, Mono and .NET, plus more. This sets us up nicely for the next article where I’ll dive right into assembling ...
WaitUntilValueChanged(this, x => x.isActive); // You can await IEnumerator coroutines await FooCoroutineEnumerator(); // You can await a standard task await Task.Run(() => 100); // Multithreading, run on ThreadPool under this code await UniTask.SwitchToThreadPool(); /* work on ...
If no errors have occurred we can retrieve the transaction hash from the Request and Poll every 2 seconds to wait for the transaction to be mined. var transactionHash = ethTransfer.Result; //create a poll to get the receipt when mined var transactionReceiptPolling = new TransactionReceiptPoll...
The way that the data manager can be used in code is by reading its associated data when it's enabled/started and react to it. For example, the inventory item writes its state to the persistent data (active or not). So when the scene is loaded, the inventory item retrieves the data...
Wait For First Frame If you tick the Wait For First Frame checkbox, Unity waits for the first frame of the source video to ... Video Player component // to a camera object, no need to change videoPlayer.targetCamera. Visual Studio project generation for Windows Standalone Release Use the...
- Wait "repeatTime" seconds by yielding on WaitForSeconds(repeatRate) } - Remove the method info record from storage. } */ 使用Invoke或InvokeReapting,这样很难调试。 5.常用属性 ContextMenu,在面板功能增加选项。 ContextMenuItemAttribute,对编辑添加右键操作。[ContextMenuItem("Reset", "ResetName")]...
If a project has well-defined points where the user can be made to wait for Objects to load and unload, such as in between game modes or levels, these points should be used to unload as many Objects as necessary and to load new Objects. The simplest way to do this is to package dis...