FindMissingReferences(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, objects); } private static GameObject[] GetSceneObjects() => Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().Where(go => string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(go)) && go.hideFlags == HideFlags.None).ToArray(); private static void FindMissingR...
Tools/Show Missing Object References in all scenes", false, 51)] 16 public static void MissingSpritesInAllScenes() 17 { 18 foreach (var scene in EditorBuildSettings.scenes.Where(s => s.enabled)) 19 { 20 EditorApplication.OpenScene(scene.path); 21 FindMissingReferences(scene.path, ...
在Unity工程中→选中你需要查看的脚本→鼠标右键→选中“Find References In Scene”→在Hierarchy窗口中查看 在Hierarchy窗口中,上方是添加当前查看的脚本的对象,下方Path是路径,是自下往上读,当然最上方搜索框中也显示选中对象的路径[ref:路径/../..] 第三种: PS:建议打包导出的时候删除相关代码否则会报错,目前...
提高资源检查的和复用性,在Match方法中,如果是场景,通过EditorSceneManager.OpenScene打开场景,通过此方法的返回值scene,调用方法GetRootGameObjects,拿到场景中的根GameObjects,在遍历Root下面的全部GameObjects 如果不是Scene文件,是其他类型的资产,直接使用AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath方法,拿到全部资产,将全部资产遍历...
Debug.LogError("missing script: "GetHierarchyName(go.transform)); } continue; } } foreach(Transform tingo.transform) { FindMissionRefInGo(t.gameObject); } } publicstaticIEnumerable<GameObject> SceneRoots() { var prop =newHierarchyProperty(HierarchyType.GameObjects); ...
正常在Unity工程中的文件通过右键只有一个调用Find References In Scene用于在本场景中查找该物体,但是这个功能不能说一点用没有吧,只能说非常的鸡肋。 在Hierarchy窗口的搜索框输入对象的名称一样可以完成类似查找,而且Hierarchy窗口的搜索框还支持按类型和按名称查找,这样就更显得Find References In Scene一无是处了。
正常在Unity工程中的文件通过右键只有一个调用Find References In Scene用于在本场景中查找该物体,但是这个功能不能说一点用没有吧,只能说非常的鸡肋。 在Hierarchy窗口的搜索框输入对象的名称一样可以完成类似查找,而且Hierarchy窗口的搜索框还支持按类型和按名称查找,这样就更显得Find References In Scene一无是处了。
You can still add a GUI Text component to the game object in 4.6 by clicking the Add Component button; it’s just missing from the Editor menu. With the existing (legacy) Unity GUI system, you can’t see your GUI objects in the scene view, only in the Game view, which makes layout...
In this scene an Addressable prefab that gets duplicated with variant textures. The project only has one instance of the prefab (Assets/Cube.prefab). This prefab has a Material that references a texture in the project. The group containing the prefab has a custom schema attached to it (Prefab...
A prefab instance in a loaded scene is missing its prefab asset Serialized UnityEvent properties are missing their target object or method, or references a method which doesn't exist Note that the Missing Project References window will load all of the assets in your project, synchronously, when...