创建脚本 FindMissingScriptsRecursively 和 MonoFinder 这两个脚本代码,一个是用来盛放要被找的那些物体,另一个是盛放你要来查找被物体挂载的脚本 盛放物体的代码:(FindMissingScriptsRecursively类) 1usingUnityEngine;2usingUnityEditor;3publicclassFindMissingScriptsRecursively : EditorWindow4{5staticintgo_count =0,...
public static void FindMissingRefrencesInCurrentScene() { var objects = GetSceneObjects(); FindMissingReferences(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name, objects); } private static GameObject[] GetSceneObjects() => Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll().Where(go => string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssetDatabase.GetAsset...
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("check missing prefabs", f, (float)i / missingScriptsFiles.Count); var prefab = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(f,typeof(GameObject))asGameObject; FindMissionRefInGo(prefab); }); EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } } 同样需要将该脚本放置到Editor文件夹下面,点击菜单...
Missing Scripts Finder This simple panel helps you quickly identify objects in the open scene, or prefabs, that have missing scripts. It can be opened from menu:Window > Missing Scripts Finder. Click on a button in the list that comes up, if any, to quickly navigate to the object in que...
You can still add a GUI Text component to the game object in 4.6 by clicking the Add Component button; it’s just missing from the Editor menu. With the existing (legacy) Unity GUI system, you can’t see your GUI objects in the scene view, only in the Game view, which makes layout...
Missing Scripts Finder Allow to find objects with Missing Script references in both prefabs and scenes. Just open the window from the Content Extensions/Missing Script Finder menu entry and either click find in Assets or find in Current Scene ...
Assign the material to a cube in the scene and save the scene. Using a text editor, open the .meta file associated with the material. A line labeled "guid" will appear near the top of the file. This line defines the material Asset's File GUID. To find the Local ID, open the ...
First of all you should find the stack trace for “Thread 1”, which is the main thread. The very first lines of the stack trace will point to the place where the error occurred. In this example, the trace indicates that the NullReferenceException happened inside the “OptionsMenu” ...
[MenuItem("Game Framework/GameTools/Clear Missing Scripts【清除Prefab丢失脚本】")] public static void ClearMissingScripts() { var pfbArr = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Prefab"); foreach (var item in pfbArr) { var pfbFileName = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(item); var pfb = AssetDatabase....
Automatically rename class when renaming a file in the Unity Project Explorer (See Options dialog). Automatically select newly created scripts in the Unity Project Explorer. Track the active script in the Unity Project Explorer (See Options dialog). Dual-synchronize the Visual Studio Solution Explorer...