Cloud Studio代码运行 // 摘要:// Returns an array of all the assets that are dependencies of the asset at the// specified pathName. Note: GetDependencies() gets the Assets that are referenced// by other Assets. For example, a Scene could contain many GameObjects with a Material// attached ...
Debug.Log("Game loaded and is running"); } } SelectionBaseAttribute 当一个GameObject含有使用了该属性的Component的时候,在SceneView中选择该GameObject,Hierarchy上面会自动选中该GameObject的Parent。 SerializeField 在变量上使用该属性,可以强制该变量进行序列化。即可以在Editor上对变量的值进行编辑,即使变量是privat...
Can I use Unity for AR development? Unity is commonly utilized for AR development, with robust support for AR platforms. The book “Complete Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Development with Unity” is an excellent resource for learning about AR development with Unity....
//find all meta and pic path var uuidReg =newRegex(@"guid: ([a-f0-9]{32})"); var pngs = Directory.GetFiles(uiPicRootDir,"*.meta", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .Select(p =>"Assets/"p.Replace('\\','/').Substring(Application.dataPath.Length 1)) .Where(p => { returnp.EndsWith...
If you need other generated Resolvers, such as those from MagicOnion, please add and compose them here.public static class Initializer { [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod(RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad)] public static void SetupMessagePackResolver() { // Create CompositeResolver StaticComposite...
starts. To enter Play mode faster, you can disablesceneA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces....
Replace 4.1.1 with the version you want to install."com.eflatun.scenereference": "git+"Although it is highly discouraged, you can replace 4.1.1 with upm to get the latest version instead of a specific one....
Otherwise, if you have multiple scenes open, Unity uses the rendering settings from the active scene. When you switch to a new active scene in the Editor or at runtime, Unity replaces all previous settings with the settings from the new active scene....
string.IsNullOrEmpty(sceneName)) { SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(sceneName); } } public bool IsAssetBundleLoaded(string bundleName) { return loadedAssetBundles.ContainsKey(bundleName); } /// /// 示例 Prefab/Com/NpcHello /// /// /// public void LoadPrefab(string prefabPath,System.Action...
Debug.Log("Game loaded and is running"); } } SelectionBaseAttribute 当一个GameObject含有使用了该属性的Component的时候,在SceneView中选择该GameObject,Hierarchy上面会自动选中该GameObject的Parent。 SerializeField 在变量上使用该属性,可以强制该变量进行序列化。即可以在Editor上对变量的值进行编辑,即使变量是privat...