如果你希望保存场景里的所有内容,那么你就需要将它们保存为一个Scene,你可以通过菜单File-Save(保存),或者File-Save as (另存为)来存储,保存后会生成一个以.unity结尾的文件(Unity图标),下次打开项目,只需打开这个文件就可以还原场景内容。保存的键盘快捷键为Ctrl+S。 特殊目录 默认情况下,新版的Unity有两个特殊...
Cache Folder Location 单击Browse 按钮可指定缓存的位置。 Cache compression This option enables Unity to compress datafiles in the GI cache to use less hard drive space. The datafiles are LZ4-compressed by default, and the naming scheme is a hash and a file extension. Unity computes the hashes...
Presets are assets that you can use to save and apply identical property settings across multiple components, assets, or Project Settings windows. You can also use Presets to specify default settings for new components and default import settings for ass
It’s possible to use the binary2text tool on the generated file in Library/LatestBuild.buildreport to view data from the report. Binary2text is shipped with Unity under Unity.app/Contents/Tools/ on Mac or Unity/Editor/Data/Tools/ on Windows. 将步骤标记为已完成 10.Native memory 0 Native...
stringpath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel(_bt.ToString(), EditorPrefs.GetString("BuildPath"), PlayerSettings.productName,"exe"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return; BuildPlayerOptions _buildOptions =newBuildPlayerOptions(); _buildOptions.locationPathName = path; ...
命名空间(Unity 2019 及更高版本):UnityEngine.Windows.WebCam 类型:PhotoCapture PhotoCapture 类型允许使用照片视频相机拍摄静态照片。 使用 PhotoCapture 拍照的一般模式如下: 创建PhotoCapture 对象 使用所需的设置创建 CameraParameters 对象 通过StartPhotoModeAsync 启动照片模式 ...
对于新建的 Unity 工程,可借助“自动化生成项目脚本模板”工具,依据 QFramework 的规则生成初始化模板,生成后在全局设置里更改当前框架(Architecture)。 1.全局设置: 提供专门的全局设置窗口,便捷管理和切换 HKUnityTools 所应用的框架(Architecture),并配置各类工具的启用状态。
For PC - Windows 10: In Charles, from the Help menu, choose Install Charles Root Certificate In the subsequent dialog, choose Install Certificate. Choose Current User, and choose Automatically select the certificate store, then Finish. We will now run the Windows Certificate Manager from the Wind...
(2)找到Windows Management Instrumentation服务(3)鼠标右键打开属性,选择启动类型为【自动】,并开启服务即可# 启动第三方程序 方法1: string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase); //string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); //...