1.[Easy Save3存储支持的类型](https://docs.moodkie.com/easy-save-3/es3-supported-types/) 2.设置 3.Keys, Paths and Locations File PlayerPrefs Resources Memory 5.加密 6.保存并加载字符串和字节到文件 7.保存和加载gameobject和Prefabs 8.备份 9.使用ES3File缓存 10.保存和加载Image、audio 11.Savin...
This list is populated from .unitypackage files in certain locations on your system; Unity provides a handful on install. Anything you download from the Unity asset store also comes as a .unitypackage file and is cached locally on your system in C:\Users\<you>\AppData\Roaming\Unity\Ass...
Install LocationSpecifies application install location on the device (for detailed information, refer toAndroid Developer documentation on install locations.) AutomaticLet the operating system decide. User will be able to move the app back and forth. ...
saveunity指南easy插件mykey EasySave3官方指南中文版ByPandaK2018/12/06原始链接1GettingStart开始基础的存档与读取EasySave通过键值对进行存储,非常类似于字典(Dictionary)。存储一个数值:ES3.Save。读取一个数值:ES3.Save。例如:存储一个键的值为“myInteger”的整数并重新读取出来,可以这样做:12345//保存整数“123...
Revision Control Diff/Merge Choose which application you want Unity to use to resolve file differences in your source control repository. Unity detects these tools in their default installation locations. On Windows, Unity checks registry keys for TortoiseMerge, WinMerge, PlasticSCM Merge, and Beyond...
Optimize binding breakpoint to source locations. Support for overloaded methods in the Expression Evaluation of the debugger. Support for boxing primitives and value types in the Expression Evaluation of the debugger. Support recreating the C# local variables environment when debugging anonymous methods. ...
If you want to see how the finished demo works or looks like (or if you got stuck somewhere and need help), the project can be downloaded from the following locations: Github Repository Zip file with Unity project Conclusion We have saved and loaded the player’s and relevant info, but ...
Unity Android是一种用于开发Android应用程序的跨平台游戏引擎。在Unity Android中,当用户删除应用程序时,应用程序的数据通常会被删除。然而,开发人员可以选择将某些数据保存在...
【Unity3D插件】Dialogue System for Unity插件分享《对话系统插件》,文章目录一、前言二、下载地址三、正文1、开始设置下一步⑴演示场景⑵概述⑶快速启动2、对话编辑器⑴对话数据库⑵对话编辑窗口⑶Database⑷Actors⑸Quests/Items⑹Locations⑺Variables⑻Conversations