前面已经介绍过对协程(Coroutine)的认识和理解,主要讲到了Unity引擎在执行协程(Coroutine)的原理(Unity协程(Coroutine)原理深入剖析)和对协程(Coroutine)状态的控制(Unity协程(Coroutine)管理类——TaskManager工具分享),到这使用Coroutine的疑问就没有了,但是D.S.Qiu还是有点没嚼烂,所以觉得很有必要再续。 本文主要分为...
public class Coroutine<T>{ public T Value { get{ if(e != null){ throw e; } return returnVal; } } private T returnVal; //当前迭代器的Current 值 private Exception e; //抛出的错误信息 public Coroutine coroutine; public IEnumerator InternalRoutine(IEnumerator coroutine){ //先省略这部分的...
if(!coroutine.MoveNext()) // This coroutine has finished continue; if(!coroutine.Current is YieldInstruction) { // This coroutine yielded null, or some other value we don't understand; run it next frame. shouldRunNextFrame.Add(coroutine); continue; } if(coroutine.Current is WaitForSeconds) {...
If you needs coroutine with return value, normally we use callback. Observable.FromCoroutine supports convert coroutine to IObservable[T] with cancellation. // public method public static IObservable<string> GetWWW(string url) { // convert coroutine to IObservable return Observable.FromCoroutine<strin...
Coroutines can't return values, butTask<TResult>can. You can't put ayieldin a try-catch statement, making handling errors difficult with coroutines. However, try-catch works with TAP. Unity's coroutine feature isn't available in classes that don't derive from MonoBehaviour. TAP is great ...
StartCoroutine创建了Coroutine对象coroutine,该对象保存了yield return展开后的IEnumerator对象指针、MoveNext和Current的函数指针、结束后应当唤醒的协程的指针、指向调用者Monobehaviour的指针等等,并将该对象coroutine保存到该Monobehaviour的活跃协程列表中。然后立即调用了coroutine.Run()。
text); yield return blockNumberRequest.SendRequest(); if (blockNumberRequest.Exception != null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(blockNumberRequest.Exception.Message); } else { ResultBlockNumber.text = blockNumberRequest.Result.Value.ToString(); } } } Simple Ether transfer using Coroutines To transfer Ether...
Coroutines As it stands, the Fade function will not have the effect you might expect. In order for the fading to be visible, the alpha mus... Coroutines This can be used as a way to spread an effect over a period of time, but it is also a useful optimization. Many tasks in a ...
(45, 45, 45); public float rotationDuration = 0.25f; // 秒 private Quaternion offRotation; private Quaternion onRotation; private Coroutine rotator; void Start() { watcher.primaryButtonPress.AddListener(onPrimaryButtonEvent); offRotation = this.transform.rotation; onRotation = Quaternion.Euler(...
StartCoroutine is very useful to do methods that could be long-running, such as waiting for data to return from a Web service. Coroutines can also be used for methods on large numbers of objects. For example, if the traveler service returned hundreds of people traveling—coroutines ...