Vector3 worldPoint = PositionConvert.ScreenPointToWorldPoint(screenPoint, planeZ); 1. 2. 3. 4. UI 坐标 -> 屏幕坐标 // 获取 UGUI 组件 transform Transform dst = GameObject.Find("Canvas/Panel/Image").transform; // 将 UI transform.position 坐标转换为屏幕坐标 Vector2 screenPoint = PositionConv...
1、如果想要保存在Max里设置的坐标轴位置,那么首先你需要使用诸如FBX或者OBJ等可以跨软件通用的模型格式导出; 2、然后在unity中打开模型,选择mesh并保存模型,接着在模型上右击“Convert To”,选择 Prefab; 3、点击Prefab标签,将Transform的position和rotation改为(0,0,0),这样就能够将物体恢复为Max里设置的坐标轴位...
Vector3 pos = this.transform.position; = new BEPUutilities.Vector3(System....
1)根据ConvertCoordinateToScreen(Coordinate coordinate)接口获取Marker在Map Camera的屏幕位置screenPosition; 2)算出screenPosition占屏幕宽高的比例,经这个比例换算成UI Camera视口的比例位置上; 比如:在地图相机上,Marker在Map Camera视口下(30%, 70%)的屏幕位置上,那么换算到UI Camera,Marker同样应该放在UI Camera视...
{return;}// 位置 Vector3 unityPos = this.transform.position; unityPos +=; this.phyEntity.position = ConversionHelper.MathConverter.Convert(unityPos); // end// 旋转 Quaternion rot = this.transform.rotation; this.phyEntity.orientation = ConversionHelper.MathConverter.Convert(rot); /...
Convert UnitsEnable this option to convert theModel scalingdefined in the Model file to Unity’s scale. Bake Axis ConversionEnable this property to bake the results of axis conversion directly into your application’s asset data (for example, vertex or animation data) when you import a Model th...
EditorGUI.Slider(position, property, range.min, range.max, label); } else if (property.propertyType == SerializedPropertyType.Integer) { EditorGUI.IntSlider(position, property, Convert.ToInt32(range.min), Convert.ToInt32(range.max), label); ...
ConvertScene() // <- Need to add this method .Add(new ExampleSystem()) // Other ECS Systems .Init(); } ConvertScene - method that automatically scan world, finds GameObjects with MonoProvider, creates entity and adds initial Components to the Entity. Spawn Prefabs Starting from 1.0.2 ...
/// /// Position of the tile on the Tilemap. /// The Tilemap the tile is present on. public override void RefreshTile(Vector3Int position, ITilemap tilemap) { for (int yd = -1; yd <= 1; yd++) for (int xd = -1; xd <= 1; xd++) { Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int...