go.transform.position.set(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f);//设置go的位置为(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) 可是上面两句代码执行后对GameObject的位置完全没有起到改变的作用,从下面的网站或许可以找到一点端倪 http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/225729/gameobject-positionset-not-working.html 其中一个回答: As far as I can ...
Conclusion Unity Set Position - C# is a powerful feature that can be used to move GameObjects in your game. By using theTransform.positionproperty or theTransform.Translatemethod, you can easily set the position of a GameObject in your game....
上面简单的讲了unity的例子1. 反射在unity中的例子2: 创建一个gameObject,可以看到,其上面的transform,这个其实就是一个新的类,内部有position、scale、rorate、等等公开变量,(这就是unity通过反射,进行序列化、反序列化机制将可以显示的东西显示出来),你可以直接改动,就相当于改动了内部变量, 反射在C#中的用法 一...
using UnityEngine; public class TransformGetSiblingIndex :MonoBehaviour{ //Use this to change the hierarchy of theGameObjectsiblings int m_IndexNumber; void Start() { //Initialise the Sibling Index to 0 m_IndexNumber = 0; //Set the Sibling Index transform.SetSiblingIndex(m_IndexNumber); //Out...
position, transform.position + direction); } } Script 结构: 成员: public Vector3 direction; public float value = 1; 函数: public T AddComponentIfNotExits<T>() where T : Component void Start() void OnDrawGizmosSelected() 作用: 可视化地显示出向量的方向,可以设定速率的量值。 在一开始时...
Sets the position and rotation of the Transform component in local space (i.e. relative to its parent transform).
public voidSetParent(Transformparent); public voidSetParent(Transformparent, boolworldPositionStays); 第一个是我们常用的只有一个参数的函数,第二个是加了一个是否保持世界坐标系的布尔型变量。 API中对于第二个参数的定义如下: worldPositionStaysIf true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are...
{intcount = transform.childCount;if(count ==0)return;if(startedChildCount != count) {//Child count changed Reset(count); }if(lastIndex == -1) { trans = transform.GetChild(currentIndex);pos= trans.position.z;if(!trans.gameObject.activeSelf)pos+=10000f;for(inti =0; i <100; i++) ...
Transform.SetParent 设置父级,Unity5 中文 API 手册,JavaScript => public function SetParent(parent: Transform, worldPositionStays:,http://t.cn/A6Ttuos5