public Vector3 ClosestPoint(Vector3 position); Parameters position Location you want to find the closest point to. Returns Vector3 The point on the collider that is closest to the specified location. Description Returns a point on the collider that is closest to a given location. Same as ...
相反,它会合并你设置使用的任何2D Box Collider或2D Polygon Collider的形状。Composite Collider 2D使用来自这些Collider的顶点(几何),并将它们合并到由Composite Collider 2D本身控制的新几何中。 Box Collider 2D和Polygon Collider 2D组件都有一个Used By Composite复选框。选择此复选框将它们附加到复合碰撞器2D上。
varheadPose = interactionSourceState.headPose;varheadRay =newRay(headPose.position, headPose.forward); RaycastHit raycastHit;if(Physics.Raycast(headPose.position, headPose.forward,outraycastHit,10)) {varcursorPos = raycastHit.point;// ...} ...
usingUnityEngine;usingRandom=UnityEngine.Random;namespaceTarodevController{/// /// This is a pretty filthy script. I was just arbitrarily adding to it as I went./// You won't find any programming prowess here./// This is a supplementary script to help with effects and animation. Basically...
添加三角碰撞,也就是polygon collider2d,添加的时候他会自己根据sprite的顶点设置好碰撞盒,所以不需要手动修改形状。 还要加上RigidBody2D,我们使用速度来控制player的移动。因为是俯视角的弹幕游戏,没有重力,所以不要忘记把Gravity Scale设置为0(当然也可以去Project Settings里修改全局的Gravity Scale) ...
bool isInsideRect=Rect.Contains(Vector2 point) 然而,Rect显然是一个2D UI元素,它只使用x,y坐标,宽度和高度,没有深度。 然而,我想使用3D BoxCollider来轻松地可视化和更改我想要使用的区域的大小,在我的例子中,在矩形区域内产卵树。 所以,我想要找出的主要问题是如何从BoxCollider中获取值,并找出我的样本是否在...
( Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward,outhitInfo,20.0f, Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)) {// If the Raycast has succeeded and hit a hologram// hitInfo's point represents the position being gazed at// hitInfo's collider GameObject represents the hologram being gazed at}...
( Camera.main.transform.position, Camera.main.transform.forward, out hitInfo, 20.0f, Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers)) { // If the Raycast has succeeded and hit a hologram // hitInfo's point represents the position being gazed at // hitInfo's collider GameObject represents the hologram being ...
最近工作繁忙,修改了很多小地方,并且增加了胶囊体跟圆柱体Collider。 0 2023/2/8 新加了一些碰撞检测,修改了一些bug,如图,现在可以更直观的显示碰撞深度,normal,contact Point,close Point,outsidePoint 跟一些其他关键数据。 0 2023/3/17 前面整整一个月在处理通信方面的问题,这个星期才又开始做物理方面的事情,...
Another point is the categorization of the resources provided here. Since some of them can be included in different categories at the same time a cross reference will be created in the form of a hastag to notify you (the visitor) that maybe you need to look in a different place of this...