fence_event));WaitForSingleObject(fence_event,INFINITE);}}void RenderAPI_D3D12::drawToPluginTexture(){wait_on_fence(m_plugin_texture_fence_value,m_
Native plugin的好处:1、资源、代码、核心算法保密(例如渲染算法、加密算法等)2、性能提高(c++库效率...
Assuming your project is successfully built, we’re ready to import our plug-in. Once a native plug-in is loaded, it’s never unloaded. If you need to make changes to your code, you’ll need to exit Unity before you can delete or replace the new build. ...
intadd(inta,intb){returna + b; } 然后, 执行Build, 得到Add.bundle文件(其实是个文件夹) Unity 使用Unity新建工程, 在Asset目录下新建Plugins目录, 将Add.bundle复制进来. 参数选择如下. 在Unity中新建C#脚本Add.cs(名字也是无所谓的), 使用以下代码 usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Runt...
So once again, the definition, initialization, deinitialization and parameter handling follows the exact same enum-based method that the simple plugins use, and even the ProcessCallback code is rather short. Well, time to stop looking at the native code and open the AudioPluginDemoGUI.sln proje...
一直在纠结是将ACL直接集成到源码中还是native plugin。正好搜到了qiankanglai的repohttps://github.com/qiankanglai/unity-acl。里面有一个工程。里面正好编译好了acl_unity.dll。 有了现成的binding代码,那看来是可以改成Android是非常简单的。抱着试一试的想法,掏出了3年前的Android studio工程。
Unity-Technologies/NativeRenderingPlugingithub.com/Unity-Technologies/NativeRenderingPlugin 2. iOS 是和build出来的 xcode 项目一起编译的,所以直接在Unity项目的Plugins/iOS下面放源码,生成的 xcode 项目会拷过去 3. 官方demo上iOS能编译但是跑起来没效果,因为少了RegisterPlugin这步, RenderingPlugin.cpp#L117 ...
I'm Making a native android mediaplayer plugin for unity,everything works fine,the plugin is loading correctly and the parameters are passing correctly to the plugin,even the player starts,but it seems that nothing is playing , no sounds come out.the source code is: package com.bluedreamcatch...
如果修改了本地插件,需要将 dll 或者 bundle 覆盖了之后重启 Unity, 不然还是会使用老的 Native Plugin; 调试起来比较麻烦,建议使用文件的方式进行日志输出来进行比较。 Refs: Building Plugins for Desktop Platforms Building Plugins for iOS Building Plugins for Android ...
Unity-ARKit-Plugin [Latest Update: This plugin now supports new ARKit functionality exposed in ARKit 2.0. See Whats New In ARKit 2.0 for details.] This is a native Unity plugin that exposes the functionality of Apple’s ARKit SDK to your Unity projects for compatible iOS devices. Includes ARK...