发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
So once again, the definition, initialization, deinitialization and parameter handling follows the exact same enum-based method that the simple plugins use, and even the ProcessCallback code is rather short. Well, time to stop looking at the native code and open the AudioPluginDemoGUI.sln ...
Native plugin的好处:1、资源、代码、核心算法保密(例如渲染算法、加密算法等)2、性能提高(c++库效率...
Assuming your project is successfully built, we’re ready to import our plug-in. Once a native plug-in is loaded, it’s never unloaded. If you need to make changes to your code, you’ll need to exit Unity before you can delete or replace the new build. ...
发现用于制作游戏的优质资源。从我们种类繁多的 2D、3D 模型、SDK、模板和工具目录中进行选择,加快您的游戏开发进程。
Unity-ARKit-Plugin [Latest Update: This plugin now supports new ARKit functionality exposed in ARKit 2.0. See Whats New In ARKit 2.0 for details.] This is a native Unity plugin that exposes the functionality of Apple’s ARKit SDK to your Unity projects for compatible iOS devices. Includes ARK...
Standalone 平台, PluginName 就是动态库或者Bundle的名字; IOS 平台一般使用源文件就好,直接用 __Internal; Android 平台 PluginName 中不能有 lib 字段,导出的 so 中需要有 lib 字段,例如 liblz4.so。 封装代码 一般是一个头文件加上一个实现文件,头文件中声明函数,实现文件中实现函数。
();// Returns the value set on the frame fence once the current frame completes or the GPU is flushedUINT64(UNITY_INTERFACE_API*GetNextFrameFenceValue)();// Executes a given command list on a worker thread. The command list type must be D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT.// [Optional] ...
intadd(inta,intb){returna + b; } 然后, 执行Build, 得到Add.bundle文件(其实是个文件夹) Unity 使用Unity新建工程, 在Asset目录下新建Plugins目录, 将Add.bundle复制进来. 参数选择如下. 在Unity中新建C#脚本Add.cs(名字也是无所谓的), 使用以下代码 ...
If you need a full build because you have tools or a setup that depends on it, you can disable this optimization (Tools/Options/Tools for Unity/Disable the full build of projects). Automatically show the Unity Project Explorer (UPE) when a Unity project is loaded. The UPE is docked next...