Low-level Native Plugin Interface In addition to the basic script interface,Native Code Pluginsin Unity can receive callbacks when certain events happen. This is mostly used to implement low-level rendering in your plugin and enable it to work with Unity’s multithreaded rendering. Headers defining...
It is also possible for Unity to call functions exported by the native plugin when certain low-level rendering events happen (for example, when a graphics device is created), see the Native Plugin Interface page for details.ExampleA very simple native library with a single function might have ...
官方文档做了很少的底层渲染的一部分,而且只做了通过Native Plugin Interface获取unity渲染线程的opengl(或者其他绘图api)资源和相应的textureID(也就是指针,新的unityapi教NativeTexturePtr),一是在本地通过cpp插件改变这个texture的值,官方例子是通过实时的time值来改变纹理数值,写到内存区,然后绑定textureID写入到texture...
void UNITY_INTERFACE_API UnityRenderingEvent(int eventID). 值得注意的另外一点是,原生OpenGL世界坐标系是右手坐标系,但是Unity中的世界坐标系是左手坐标系。因此,在从Unity中向Native Renderer Plugin中传递世界坐标系中的位置和方向数据时,要注意对x轴的值取反(乘以-1)。
UnityPluginLoad需要插件编写者自己编写,在这个示例中,首先获取图形接口IUnityGraphics: staticIUnityInterfaces*s_UnityInterfaces=NULL;staticIUnityGraphics*s_Graphics=NULL;extern"C"voidUNITY_INTERFACE_EXPORT UNITY_INTERFACE_APIUnityPluginLoad(IUnityInterfaces*unityInterfaces){s_UnityInterfaces=unityInterfaces...
This document describes the built-in native audio plugin interface of Unity 5.0. We will do this by looking at some specific example plugins that grow in complexity as we move along. This way, we start out with very basic concepts and introduce more complex use-cases near the end of the ...
主要是 AndroidJavaClass 和 AndroidJavaObject 类提供了一种在运行时从 C# 调用 Java 的能力。这是通过JNI(Java Native Interface)实现的,它是Java虚拟机(JVM)提供的一种允许 Java 代码与本地代码(例如C或C++代码)交互的接口。 这是我们在 C# 桥接代码中调用原生 Java 的示例: ...
将__declspec(dllexport)替换为UNITY_INTERFACE_EXPORT UNITY_INTERFACE_API 。 (从__declspec(dllexport)可以看出2位作者似乎没想改成Android版?) 这里先感谢陈同学 ,因为整个改造最费时间的部分:就是新版本as无法正确的替旧工程修改gradle版本号,并且引发的编译错误信息非常诡异。(这个问题豆包和chatgpt都没有啥思路...