using UnityEngine; public class Move3DObject : MonoBehaviour { private bool isClick = false; private Transform curTf = null; private Vector3 oriMousePos; private Vector3 oriObjectScreenPos; /// <summary> /// 3d物体上的material,用过修改Gameobject上的shader来添加物体的一个描边效果,可以删掉引用到...
使用输入读取轴GetAxis可读取一下默认轴名:Horizontal 和Vertical表示水平垂直映射到操纵杆,A,W,S,D和箭头键。“Mouse X"和”Mouse Y"映射到鼠标。“Fire1“,"Fire2", "Fire 3"被映射到Ctrl,Alt,Cmd键和三个鼠标或操纵杆按钮。可以添加新的输入轴,详细可以参阅输入管理器。 UnityEdit>>ProjectSetting>>Input...
2. Mouse Events 鼠标事件: 用法:鼠标事件(例如“OnMouseDown”、“OnMouseDrag”和“OnMouseUp”)是 Unity 的内置事件函数,用于处理 Unity 编辑器内以及某些情况下独立应用程序中的鼠标交互。这些事件与具有 Collider 组件的游戏对象相关联,通常用于 Unity 编辑器中的测试和开发目的。 设备:鼠标事件是为带有鼠标的传...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 voidOnGUI() { Event Mouse = Event.current; if (Mouse.isMouse && Mouse.type == EventType.MouseDown && Mouse.clickCount == 2) { // 调用你的函数 print("Double Click"); } } [Unity菜鸟] Unity鼠标双击,鼠标函数整理(未完),布布扣, ...
Game object物体→Mesh Renderer 组件 →materia材质→Color sky box 三种模式 1:6 sided 需要提供六张图片来自 上下左右前后 把整个空间包围起来,组成天空 2:Cubemap 自带太阳的天空模式 3:procedural 提供简单的修改天地的颜色 修改天空的背景颜色和图片
When moving an object, you don’t give it a position to move to, as you might expect. Remember, you’re executing code with each frame, so you need to move the object in small increments. You can either let the physics engine handle this by adding a force to your rigidbody to move...
FindObjectType<> FindObjectsType<> : t通过类型来进行查找,是进行全局的查找,则就是在整个场景中进行查找 FindGameObjectWithTag :如果查到的是多个,则只返回查找到的第一个 FindGameObejctsWithTag 返回查找到的游戏物体集合 【5】、消息的发送 BroadcastMessage() 广播发送消息,则该物体上对应的方法会被调用,同...
We'll use this in the enemy script to help locate the player game object. In the Scene view, move the player object away from the enemy object along the Z axis using the mouse. You can move along the Z axis by selecting and dragging the cube by its red panel toward the blue line....
("Horizontal"); //Get the value of the Horizontal input axis. float verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); //Get the value of the Vertical input axis. transform.Translate(new Vector3(horizontalInput, verticalInput, 0) * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime); //Move the object to XYZ ...
public void Move() { //点击鼠标 if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { //屏幕坐标转射线 object _Ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); //射线对象是:结构体类型(存储了相关信息) RaycastHit _Hit; //发出射线检测到了碰撞 isHit返回的是 一个bool值 ...