Vector3 mousePos = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, targetScreenPos.z); //将鼠标转换的三维坐标再转换成世界坐标+物体与鼠标位置的偏移量 var targetPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos) + offset; transform.position = targetPos; yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate()...
Camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3 position): 将屏幕坐标转换为全局坐标。 Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(Vector3 position):将全局坐标转换为屏幕坐标。 Input.mousePosition:获得鼠标在屏幕坐标系中的坐标。 相机是一个视椎体 属性 这样会有问题一直是(x,y,0) 会变成摄像机的位置 z到摄像机平面可以获得无数个平行的...
◆ static function SetDirty (target : Object) : void 描述:标记target物体为脏 Unity内部使用脏标记来查看资源何时被改变,并被保存到硬盘上,例如,如果你改变一个预设的MonoBehaviour或ScriptabieObject变量,你必须告诉Unity这个值被改变了,Unity内置组件内会在一个属性改变后调用SetDirty,MonoBehaviour或ScriprableObject...
使用Move工具,你可以在3D空间里移动GameObject。 选择主摄像头(如果你在场景视图里没有看到它,可以再Hierarchy视图中双击它),然后点击Move工具。你应该会看到在主摄像头边上出现一个gizmo,有箭头代表三个轴。通过这些,你可以移动这个物件: 红色的箭头代表X轴,绿色箭头是y轴,然后蓝色箭头是z轴。你可以通过选中这个物...
步骤6.为玩家创建一个空游戏对象(GameObject → Create Empty)和一个Cube给NPC(GameObject → 3D Object → Cube)。将空游戏对象重命名为“Player”。将Cube重命名为“NPC”,并将其位置设置为(0,0,0),使其在“Game”视图中可见。 步骤7,点击NPC。加一个对话系统触发器: ...
当按下的时候判断是哪个手指的序号,确认一下是否触摸在正确的位置上,如果是正确的位置,则将deltaPosition传入onFingerMove方法做接下来的操作。 接下来解决第二件事:实时旋转摄像头的位置信息 调用camera的RotateAround方法旋转摄像头。API:gameCamera.transform.RotateAround ...
//Vector3 position=new Vector3(); public bool bArrive = false;//鼠标是否到达零件箱边界区域 //平移方式是否根据鼠标拖动距离还是直接置为鼠标位置 public bool ifDragMove = false; //平移方式为:根据鼠标拖动距离 时,评议的速度 public float moveSpeed = 1.0f; ...
There are a good number of movement options from which to choose. When moving an object, you don’t give it a position to move to, as you might expect. Remember, you’re executing code with each frame, so you need to move the object in small increments. You can either let the ...
Added this.gameObject to locals, given it's common in Unity projects. Added Children and Components groups to all GameObject instances, so that you can easily display all the object hierarchy. Added Scene Path to all GameObject instances, to show the location in the scene. Added support for ...
EpPathFinding3D.cs - A 3D jump point search algorithm for cube based games in C#. GOAP - Goal Oriented Action Planning AI in Unity. Unity Movement AI - A library of common movement AI scripts known as Steering Behaviors. You can use these scripts to help your NPCs move around your game...