一:效果演示二:实现——新建一个ShaderShader "Custom/3D Text Shader" { Properties { _MainTex ("Font Texture", 2D) = "white" {} _Color ("Text Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) } SubShader { Tags{ "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjecto 3d 赋值 2d C Unity中解决3DText模糊的问题 一:效果...
private static void AddToFields(string varPrefix, string varType) { if (addToFieldToggle) { return; } if (Selection.count <= 0) return; var uiForm = GetPrefabRootComponent<UIFormBase>(); if (uiForm == null) { Debug.LogWarning("UIForm Script is not exist."); return; } var target...
包括#SCRIPTNAME#也已经被替换为文件名了,读取到的是替换后的文本内容.stringstr =File.ReadAllText(path);//获取用户名和当前系统时间并替换对应位置内容str = str.Replace("#CreateAuthor#", Environment.UserName).Replace("#CreateTime#",string.Concat(DateTime.Now.Year,"/", DateTime.Now.Month,"/",...
Message Messages from the version control system. MiniMap MiniMap. ModelImporter Model importer lets you modify model import settings from editor scripts. ModelImporterClipAnimation Animation clips to split animation into. MonoImporter Represents a C# script in the project. MonoScript Representation of Sc...
Especially in large projects, it's often easier to locate the script you want to modify by using the Unity Project Explorer; it also makes it easy to modify other kinds of files—for example, text-based configuration files—in Visual studio without adding them to one of the projects in ...
1.modify Build Phases,such as add Run Script.2.add Embedded Frmaework.3.add System framework.4.modify Build Settings.5.modify Info.plist.6.modify UnityAppController.mm.Other reference code can test itself.I put the code here, the downloaded XcodeAPI code needs to be di...
102 TextMesh 104 RenderSettings 108 Light 109 ShaderInclude 110 BaseAnimationTrack 111 Animation 114 MonoBehaviour 115 MonoScript 116 MonoManager 117 Texture3D 118 NewAnimationTrack 119 Projector 120 LineRenderer 121 Flare 122 Halo 123 LensFlare 124 FlareLayer 126 NavMeshProjectSettings 128 Font 129 ...
When an exception occurs during execution of the script code, the Asset server updates fail,orother operations fail, Unity immediately exits withreturncode 1. Note thatinbatch mode, Unity sends a minimal version of its log output to the console. However, the Log Files still contain the full ...
plist.ReadFromString( File.ReadAllText( plistPath ) ); PlistElementDict rootDict = plist.root; rootDict.SetString("CFBundleIdentifier", bundleId); File.WriteAllText( plistPath, plist.WriteToString() ); } } 参考 https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/iOS.Xcode.PBXProject.UpdateBuildProperty...
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