参考关于Unity中UI中的Image节点以及它的Image组件 image.png SourceImage:把图片设置好后拖进Image节点的Source Image属性中,点击Set Native Size按照图片的原始大小填充Canvas。 Color:可以对图片进行颜色混合,白色就是什么色也不加,原色。 Material: Unity支持自定义图片材质来实现复杂的效果,不填的话默认只用unity已...
Unity 初识:Material(材质) 概念Materials(材质)用来把网格(Mesh)或粒子渲染器(Particle Renderers)贴到游戏对象上,使游戏物体呈现出对应的表面可视效果。 创建材质球 在Project视图右击选择Create--->Material 添加材质 将创建的材质球拖拽到物体或物体组件对应的位置,即可绑定此材质。 对材质属性进行设置会影响已经绑定...
The material's texture. The same as using GetTexture or SetTexture with "_MainTex" name.See Also: SetTexture, GetTexture. // Change renderer's texture each changeInterval/ // seconds from the texture array defined in the inspector.using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class Exampl...
Note:Inspector previews are limited to the primary editor of persistent objects (assets), e.g., GameObjectInspector, MaterialEditor, TextureInspector. This means that it is currently not possible for a component to have its own inspector preview. 这个方法是创建我们自己的物体的Preview窗口的表现。我...
Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh,worldPos,worldRotation,material,0); } 1. 2. 3. 4. (4)GL, =1=一般在物体的OnRenderObject 或者相机的OnPostRender里调用 =2=实际屏幕和Scene窗口都能显示 =3=可以设置材质 一个GL.Begin/GL.End里的渲染是自动合并的,一般是一个Drawcall ...
Material Validator Value Too High Set the color for the Validate Albedo/Metal Specular debug render mode to indicate when the material value is too high. Material Validator Value Too Low Set the color for the Validate Albedo/Metal Specular debug render mode to indicate when the material value is...
避免直接使用Material.Setxxx/Getxxx 等调用,这些调用会触发材质实例化消耗,可以考虑使用 SharedMaterial / MaterialPropertyBlock代替. 合并Shader里的Uniform变量. 15. GPU端性能优化小知识点 合理规划好渲染顺序,避免不必要的overdraw,如:地形(容易被其他物件遮挡)、天空盒放到较后渲染. ...
(cameraResolution.width, cameraResolution.height);// Copy the raw image data into our target texturephotoCaptureFrame.UploadImageDataToTexture(targetTexture);// Do as we wish with the texture such as apply it to a material, etc.}// Clean upphotoCaptureObject.StopPhotoModeAsync(OnStoppedPhoto...
Download the package from the asset store or the Releases folder Import the package into your project Simply add the GraphicMaterialOverride component to an UI element, such as an Image with a custom Material When selecting the dropdown “Add Override”, you will be greeted with every possible...