public void Render(); Description Render the camera manually.This will render the camera. It will use the camera's clear flags, target texture and all other settings.The camera will send OnPreCull, OnPreRender and OnPostRender to any scripts attached, and render any eventual image filters....
Render the camera manually 手动渲染相机 RenderWithShader Render the camera with shader replacement 用着色替换渲染相机 SetReplacementShader Make the camera render with shader replacement 使相机用着色替换来渲染 ResetReplacementShader Remove shader replacement from camera 从相机上删除着色替换 RenderToCubemap R...
Camera’s skybox. If the current Camera has no skybox set, it will default to the skybox chosen in theLighting Window(menu:Window>RenderingThe process of drawing graphics to the screen (or to a render texture). By default, the main camera in Unity renders its view to the screen.More ...
世界中有一物体GO,其坐标为Pos。UI中有一Text,需调整其位置,使:在屏幕上看到该Text与GO处于同一位置(如用于血条的显示等)。 该Text所属Canvas(其RectTransform是_canvasRectTrans)的RenderMode是ScreenSpace-Camera,RenderCamera是Cam。 计算Text位置的方式 varpos=Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(GO.transform.position...
图形设置: Camera RenderScale Camera AA选项 Camera 投影设置 Active Camera Number 看不到任何物体的空转相机 Camera 近裁剪面和远裁剪面设置 每个Camera Renderer关联各自的配置, 如:UI和场景分开Renderer独立配置需要的Feature Texture 分辨率 Texture 压缩格式 Texture Mipmap设置 ...
Render Mode 部分公有属性 ▌Render Camera 设定哪个相机作为渲染相机。 如果需要通过 C#脚本更改 Canvas 的渲染相机, 更改worldCamera 属性。 更多可参看: Unity - Scripting API: Canvas.worldCamera unity3d - How to change the Canvas Render Camera via C# - Stack Overflow ...
U3D支持不同的Rendering Path(渲染路径),开发者应该根据游戏内容和目标平台,硬件等来选择使用哪个Rendering Path。不同的Rendering Path具有不同的表现效果,这些不同之处多体现在光照和阴影方面。查阅Render Pipeline获取更多的细节。 The rendering Path used by your project is chosen in Player Settings. Additionally...
There are MeshRender and SpriteRender Components; Components for audio and camera functionality; physics-related Components (colliders and rigidbodies), particle systems, path-finding systems, third-party custom Components, and more. You use a script Component to assign code to an object. Components...
UnityEngine.XR.XRSettings.renderViewportScale =0.7f; CPU 效能建議 以下內容涵蓋更深入的效能實務,特別將目標放在 Unity 與 C# 開發。 快取參考 建議您在初始化時快取所有相關元件和 GameObject 的參考,因為重複的函數調用,例如GetComponent<T>()和相機.main比儲存指標的記憶體成本更昂貴。 .Camera.main只會使用...
这些可以在 Camera.Render、CameraImageEfiects 和 RenderTexture.ResolveAA 选项中看到。任何 API 调用和 Draw Call 的开销都差不多,但复杂场景中的大多数 API调用都采用 Draw Call 的形式,因此通常最好先关注 Draw Call 的最小化,再考虑后期处理效果等 API通信开销。 广告 Unity游戏优化(第3版) 京东 ¥49.00...