CPUSelect this option to perform mesh skinning and blend shapes calculation on the CPU. GPU (Batched)Select this option to use batching and reordering to perform mesh skinning and blend shapes calculation on the GPU. Batching reduces the number of dispatch calls to the GPU and can improve perf...
Power Preference Set a preference for which GPU to use when rendering on a multi-GPU device. Note that the browser might ignore this preference. Default Let the browser choose the GPU configuration. Low Performance Request that the browser use the integrated GPU to prioritize power savings. High...
Furthermore, improving the CPU performance of our code may come at a cost: changes may increase memory usage or offload work to the GPU. For these reasons, this article isn’t a set of simple steps to follow. This article is instead a series of suggestions for improving our code's ...
GI: Fixed incorrect fallback to CPU of GPU bake. (UUM-24685) GI: Fixed issue where lightmaps are lost when entering playmode, switching scenes, and exiting playmode. (UUM-29735) GI: Fixed issue with Light Explorer filtering when many lights are present. (UUM-30672) Graphics: Fixed an...
CharacterController2D- is similar to the built-in Unity CharacterController component. It has a similar API (mainly a move method that takes a delta movement) and provides a firm base with which to make a super solid controller using Unity's 2D system. ...
Shader move GPU calc to CPU calc Shader for 循环数量 Shader for循环展开 Shader PBR -> BllinPhong -> VertexShading -> LUT or Matcap -> Lightmap -> SH Shader 顶点输入结构体&传入片源结构体,精度 & 冗余通道 Shader 无意义的Normalize 操作 ...
此版本还包括我们的 GPU Lightmapper的 重大速度改进 ,尤其是在照明迭代期间。 新功能包括对环境照明的多重重要性采样支持,并在使用视图优先级或小/低占用光照图时提高了采样性能。 The NVIDIA OptiX AI Denoiser has been upgraded for better performance and lower memory usage, and to add support for NVIDIA ...
GPU and CPU Lightmapper has improved sampling. Lightmapping is now simpler in general, and we added Lightmapped cookie support. And with the Contributors and Receivers Scene View, you can now see which objects are influencing Global Illumination (GI) within the Scene. Lighting Setting Assets let...
When drawing a scene at a reduced resolution you are still processing the same vertex count and setting the same number of draw calls. Profiling Batches / SetPass Calls Batching refers to the number of groups of objects that the CPU sends for processing / rendering to the GPU. A ...
Note that, depending on your hardware configuration, the GPU Progressive Lightmapper might result in faster lightmap baking than the CPU Progressive Lightmapper. Light types In addition to choosing an overall lighting strategy, you should be aware of the differences in Light types between different re...