1 首先,点击菜单中的edit菜单,弹出了下拉菜单选中为preferences选项 2 勾选上load previous project on startup选项 3 勾选上load previous project on startup选项之后,会自动保存设置了
Preloaded Assets Sets an array of Assets for the player to load on startup. To add new Assets, increase the value of the Size property and then set a reference to the Asset to load in the new Element box that appears. Strip Engine Code Enable this option if you want the Unity Linker...
Unity 提供了许多偏好设置以用于自定义 Unity Editor 的行为。要访问这些设置,请选择Unity>Preferences(macOS) 或Edit>Preferences…(Windows)。 General 设置属性 Auto Refresh选中此框可在资源更改时自动更新资源。 Load Previous Project on Startup选中此框可始终在启动时加载上一个项目。
Unity: 2020.2 beta 4 and above Spine runtime: Tested both with 2020-09-29 and 2020-10-07 versions When using Spine runtime with 2020.2 beta the Editor throws ReleaseAllScriptCaches did not release all script caches! on startup. It works ...
TextureLoadTexture(stringname) { stringpath="Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/"; return(Texture)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path+name,typeof(Texture)); } publicvoidOnGUI() { //GUI.DrawTexture(this.mWelcomeScreenImageRect, this.mWelcomeScreenImage); ...
public class Startup { static Startup() { Debug.Log("Up and running"); } } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、例子 例子一:项目加载完毕就调用脚本 using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; [InitializeOnLoad] class MyClass
// this exposed field in the Editor or search for it upon startup // as done in Figure 12. [SerializeField] private GUIText _scoreText; void Start() { if (_scoreText == null) { Debug.LogError("Missing the GuiText reference. "); ...
public float Speed = 50; private Transform _playerTransform; private Transform _ myTransform; // Called on startup of the GameObject it's assigned to. void Start() { // Find some gameobject that has the text tag "Player" assigned to it. // This is startup code, shouldn't query the...
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour { private int _score; // Drag a GuiText game object in the editor onto // this exposed field in the Editor or search for it upon startup // as done in Figure 12. [SerializeField] private GUIText _scoreText; void St...
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour { private int _score; // Drag a GuiText game object in the editor onto // this exposed field in the Editor or search for it upon startup // as done in Figure 12. [SerializeField] private GUIText _scoreText; void Start() { if (_scoreText ...