语法:List. RemoveRange(int index, int count); mList.RemoveRange(3,2); (4)、判断某个元素是否在该List中: 语法:List. Contains(T item) 返回值为:true/false if (mList.Contains("Hunter")) { Console.WriteLine("There is Hunter in the list"); } else { mList.Add("Hunter"); Console.Wri...
(6)、给List里面元素顺序反转: 语法: List. Reverse () 可以与List. Sort ()配合使用,达到想要的效果 (7)、List清空: 语法:List. Clear () (8)、获得List中元素数目: 语法: List. Count () 返回int值 2、List的进阶、强大方法:本段举例用的List: (1)、List.FindAll方法:检索与指定谓词所定义的条件...
private static List<EditorCoroutine> editorCoroutineList; private static List<IEnumerator> buffer; public static IEnumerator StartEditorCoroutine(IEnumerator iterator) { if (editorCoroutineList == null) { editorCoroutineList = new List<EditorCoroutine>(); } if (buffer == null) { buffer = new Li...
Find( ) 查找并返回List内的出现的第一个匹配元素 FindAll( ) 查找并返回List内的所有匹配元素 GetEnumerator( ) 重载的公有方法,返回一个用于迭代List的枚举器 Getrange( ) 拷贝指定范围的元素到新的List内 Insert( ) 在List内插入一个元素 InsertRange( ) 在List内插入一组元素 Remove( ) 移除与指定元素匹...
ImageList ils ilsAllIcons Label lbl lblHelpMessage Lightweight check box lwchk lwchkArchive Lightweight combo box lwcbo lwcboGerman Lightweight command button lwcmd lwcmdRemove Lightweight frame lwfra lwfraSaveOptions Lightweight horizontal scroll bar lwhsb lwhsbVolume Lightweight list box lwlst ...
referencedObjects); // Grab the list of file references for the asset or scene and add them to the forward dependencies hash set for this file (write command) // While doing so, also add the asset to the reverse dependencies hash set for all the other files it depends upon. // We ...
for (int i = 0; i < removeList.Count;i++ ) { if (mDicAaaet.ContainsKey(removeList[i])) mDicAaaet.Remove(removeList[i]); } GC(); } /// /// 释放 /// public void GC() { Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); System.GC.Collect()...
list.Remove(script); break; } } intplayerNumber =int.Parse(player+""); Network.RemoveRPCs(Network.player,playerNumber); Network.RemoveRPCs (player); Network.DestroyPlayerObjects(player); } //客户端断开连接时调用 voidOnDisconnectedFromServer(NetworkDisconnection info){ ...
Note: If you entered any text in the search box or set any filters, the list only displays feature sets and packages which match the context, the search criteria, and the active filters.My Assets context added in Unity 2019.3 Unity Registry context replaced the All packages context and the...
To create a new entry, clickAdd(+). To remove an entry, clickRemove(-). When you have added all desired arguments, clickApplyto include your additional arguments in future compilations. ClickRevertto reset this list to the most recent applied state. ...