int indext = lair.dungeon.DungeonLairList.FindIndex(x => ==; 这就是我的代码,但我不能断言,因为lair对象可以并将具有相同的名称,而且它很可能是所有其他属性,因此确定列表中的确切索引至关重要。 浏览2提问于2017-02-15得票数 0 2回答 为什么我的WHERE子句受益于“包含”一栏...
private void SearchInList(int value) { #region FIND_IN_LIST stopWatch.Start(); int index = intList.FindIndex(item => item == value); stopWatch.Stop(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Index " + index); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time Taken to Find in List "+stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +" ms"...
private void SearchInList(int value) { #region FIND_IN_LIST stopWatch.Start(); int index = intList.FindIndex(item => item == value); stopWatch.Stop(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Index " + index); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time Taken to Find in List "+stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds +" ms"...
private void SearchInList(int value) { #region FIND_IN_LIST stopWatch.Start(); int index = intList.FindIndex(item => item == value); stopWatch.Stop(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Index " index); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(“Time Taken to Find in List ” stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds ” ms”)...
secondTransList.Add(new TransHadInfo(secondChid, false)); } } isFirstClick = false; } else { //重新读取所有节点,然后获取新节点: for (int i = 0; i < firstChildCount; ++i) { var firstChid = parentNode.GetChild(i); int findIndex = firstTransList.FindIndex(o => o.trans == firs...
FindIndex(x => x.asset == asset); AssetLoadInfo assetInfo = abOp.Info.bundleAssets[assetInfoIndex]; int offset = 1; foreach (var subAsset in pair.Value.Representations) { var secondaryAssetInfo = CreateSubAssetLoadInfo(assetInfo, subAsset); abOp.Info.bundleAssets.Insert(assetInfoIndex ...
static void AddPlayerLoop(PlayerLoopSystem method, ref PlayerLoopSystem playerLoop, string categoryName, string systemName, bool last = false, bool before = false) { int sysIndex = Array.FindIndex(playerLoop.subSystemList, (s) => s.type.Name == categoryName); PlayerLoopSystem category = playerLoop...
ports.Add(port); } } p.Close();intresult =BeginPort;for(inti = BeginPort; i < EndPort; i++) {if(ports.FindIndex(a => a == i) > -1)continue;else{ result=i;break; } }returnresult; }
privateList<Touch>fingerIds=newList<Touch>();privatevoidUpdate()//不要使用 FixedUpdate 感觉 Touch 不能正确同步状态{if(Input.touchCount>0){foreach(var item in Input.touches){intindex=fingerIds.FindIndex(touch=>touch.fingerId==item.fingerId);//1. 如果 Touch 未被收录,考虑收录之if(index==-1...