To edit a Prefab Asset, open it in Prefab Mode. Prefab Mode allows you to view and edit the contents of the Prefab Asset in isolation, separately from any other objects in your Scene. Changes you make in Prefab Mode affect all instances of that Prefab....
要将场景设置为编辑环境,请打开Editor窗口(顶部菜单:Edit > Project Settings,然后选择Editor类别),然后选择Prefab Editing Environment部分。对于“非 UI”预制件,请使用Regular Environment设置,而对于 UI 预制件,请使用UI Environment设置。UI 预制件是根处具有矩形变换组件,而不是常规变换组件的预制件。“非 UI”预...
在需要将高版本的Unity项目转成低版本的时候,场景中会出现很多missing prefab,这时候,在文件夹中的prefab怎么都不能拖进场景中。 在网上找了很久,都没有解决这个问题,最后还是自己捣鼓出来的。 其实很简单,分三步: 1. 首先,用2018版本的Unity打开项目,将项目设置成以text的格式序列化prefabs:点击菜单的Edit->proj...
SerializedObject is a class that acts as a wrapper or proxy for Unity objects. You can use it to extract data from the object even if you don\’t have a clue what\’s inside it. This is how the Unity inspector can show default inspectors for anything you create yourself. As a bonus,...
Prefab system allows you to automatically keep all the copies in sync. Any edits that you make to a Prefab Asset are automatically reflected in that Prefab's instances, allowing you to easily make broad changes across your whole Project without having to repeatedly make the same edit to every...
在需要将高版本的Unity项目转成低版本的时候,场景中会出现很多missing prefab,这时候,在文件夹中的prefab怎么都不能拖进场景中。 在网上找了很久,都没有解决这个问题,最后还是自己捣鼓出来的。 其实很简单,分三步: 1. 首先,用2018版本的Unity打开项目,将项目设置成以text的格式序列化prefabs:点击菜单的Edit->proj...
add a Prefab to a scene, you create an instance of it. All Prefab instances are linked to the original Prefab and are essentially clones of it. No matter how many instances exist in your project, when you make any changes to the Prefab you will see the change applied to all instances....
1、Edit -- > ProjectSetting --> SpritePacker Mode 改为Always Enable 2、Assets --> AssetBundles --> SimulationMode 勾掉 3、windows 快捷方式 添加 -force-gles30 34、内存泄漏问题 1、CreatePool 和 DestroyPooled 没有成对出现 导致内存泄漏 2、内存池recycledObjects 导致的内存泄漏 3、spawn出来的ob...
理解Shadowmask这种烘焙模式后, 同时需要对Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows的阴影设置有更深的理解,才能利用这些参数更好的控制实时阴影的开销。 1)合理设置Shadow Resolution 根据实际情况合理设置Shadow Resolution的值。设置的阴影分辨率值越大,shadowmap带宽占用越大;阴影精度提升后,计算的开销也会变大...
// We must use the GetComponents array to actually detect missing components varcomponents=gameObject.GetComponents<Component>(); // Create a serialized object so that we can edit the component list varserializedObject=newSerializedObject(gameObject); ...