Unity中文版-Create Gameplay GameObjects Deactivate GameObjects(自翻译) 行百里 行百里者半九十1 人赞同了该文章 翻译Unity中文版的初衷是因为官方提供的中文版存在缺陷,而且翻译的不全。现在基于Unity2023.2版本对官方文档进行翻译。 停用游戏对象 要在场景中暂时移除GameObject(游戏对象),您可以将该GameObject标记为...
In earlier versions, there was a function called SetActiveRecursively which could be used to activate or deactivate the children of a given parent object. However, this function worked differently in that the activation setting of each child object was changed - the whole hierarchy could be ...
toggleOn.value = true; The problem becomes when I try to deactivate it: toggleOn.value = false; <--- does nothing, the toggle button does not deactivate!! Does anyone know how to toggle two UIToggle objects programmatically? Thank you!!
Unity’s workflow is based on prefabs. In Unity you build a set of GameObjects with components, then create a prefab from them. You can then place instances of the prefab in your world, or instantiate them at runtime. UE4’s corresponding workflow is based on Blueprint Classes. In UE4,...
If the baseline didn't improve much, continue deactivating game objects till you see a significant improvement. 2、关闭(Disable、Deactivate) UI GameObject 比较他们 选择一组UI gameObject 然后逐一禁用他们 比较Profiler里面的情况,如果没有太大改善,就继续禁用下去,直到你看到大的提示为止。
当对一个父GameObject进行无效设置后,它的子类gameobject也会无效,但是并没有改变子类的状态,也就是说你没有办法使用它自身的属性activeSelf,判断一个子gameobject是否是激活状态,要使用activeInHierarchy。如果要改变子类的状态,使用DeactivateChildren 使用transform的一些建议 ...
Give every cube a rigidbody, set theirmassto22, activateuse gravity, and deactivateis kinematic. This will make the fragments fall down and use physics. If you want, you can tweak these values later to produce results that are better suited for your game. ...
Give every cube a rigidbody, set theirmassto22, activateuse gravity, and deactivateis kinematic. This will make the fragments fall down and use physics. If you want, you can tweak these values later to produce results that are better suited for your game. ...
A GameObject’s active state had no impact on the active state of child GameObjects. If you want to activate or deactivate a GameObject and all of its children, you needed to callGameObject.SetActiveRecursively. When usingSetActiveRecursivelyon a GameObject, the previous active state of any child...