1.参数combine 的数组长度不能大于int16, 如有大量Mesh需要合并, 需要分批次进行 2.mesh中原有的Mesh将会被combine 中Mesh所代替, 所以如果希望保留调用者Mesh中的mesh数据, 需要一并放进combine 数组中, 并在调用CombineMeshes方法之前为原mesh引用创建新的实例 下面的例子展示了创建4个cube: [g0, g1, g2, ...
Unity3D将多个物体合并一个物体或层级关系的物体 一、三种合并工具 1.MergeMesh1: (效率低,适应性高)模型点超过65535自动分模型,一个mesh上有多个材质会自动分出来成为子集部分,父节点要有mesh则 fatherMesh = true; 2.MergeMesh2: (效率快、
This part of the tutorial is independent of the rest of the tutorial, so you can safely ignore it if you want to. The reason that I included it is that in Unity's example on how to combine meshes (foundhere) it is assumed that all meshes have the same color. But what are you sup...
{ combine[i].mesh = meshFilters[i].sharedMesh; combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix; meshFilters[i].gameObject.active = false; i++; } transform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = newMesh(); transform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.CombineMeshes(combine); ...
public void CombineMeshes (CombineInstance[] combine, bool mergeSubMeshes= true, bool useMatrices= true, bool hasLightmapData= false); 参数 combine 要合并的网格的描述。 mergeSubMeshes 定义网格是否应合并到单个子网格中。 useMatrices 定义是应使用还是忽略在 CombineInstance 数组中提供的变换。 描述 ...
public void CombineMeshes (CombineInstance[] combine, bool mergeSubMeshes= true, bool useMatrices= true, bool hasLightmapData= false); 参数 combine 要合并的网格的描述。 mergeSubMeshes 定义网格是否应合并到单个子网格中。 useMatrices 定义是应使用还是忽略在 CombineInstance 数组中提供的变换。 描述 ...
另外MeshRenderer的合并,Unity有自带的CombineChildren,直接用就是了合并成子网格列表和材质列表的,只需把_r.materials = new Material[] {lmat[0]};改成_r.materials = lmat.ToArray ();_r.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes (lcom.ToArray(),true,false);改成_r.sharedMesh.CombineMeshes (lcom.ToArray(),false,...
Here you will find a collection of tutorials for people who want to learn C# programming language scripting in Unity. These are useful for both novice programmers and veterans who are new to Unity 3d. You will learn how to make Dubins Paths. A realistic
Mesh.CombineMeshes public void CombineMeshes (CombineInstance[] combine, bool mergeSubMeshes= true, bool useMatrices= true, bool hasLightmapData= false); 参数 combine 要合并的网格的描述。 mergeSubMeshes Defines whether Meshes should be combined into a single sub-Mesh. useMatrices 定义是应使用...
Unity3d网格合并 转载:http://www.cxyclub.cn/n/54078/ 摘要:几个不同的物体,在Unity3d中可以将网格合并在一起,用于优化。在Unity3d中构建临时场景如下:建一C#脚本名为"CombineMeshes",挂在Cube上。CombineMeshes.cs内容如下:usingUnityEngine;usingSystem.C... ...