下面是局部雾代码: usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;[ExecuteAlways]publicclassLocalFog:MonoBehaviour{Matrix4x4localFogMatrix;publicboollocalScale=false;[ColorUsage(false, false)]publicColorabledo=Color.gray;publicfloatextinction=1.0f;[ColorUsage(false, true)]publicColoremissive=Color.black;publicf...
我们分段解释一下,下面这段是一个自定义类,叫做FogSettings。这个FogSetting类上面的[System.Serializable]序列化标签必须要写,否则在编辑器中不会显示出来。类声明完毕后,就需要在CustomRenderPassFeature里面声明一个具体的参数,也就是 public FogSettingssettings= new FogSettings(); 有了这个settings之后,在编辑器中...
and select Volumetric Fog. Click “Add component overrides...” again and select Volumetric Fog Quality.. Enable all value overrides in both new sections. In the Visual environment section, change Fog Type from Exponential to Volumetric. At this point, we should have a nice blue sky, but no...
Use this to simulate fog or mist in outdoor environments, or to hide clipping of objects near the camera’s far clip plane. More info 前向渲染 (Forward Rendering)*: 一种渲染路径,可根据影响对象的光源在一个或多个通道中渲染每个对象。光源本身也可以通过前向渲染进行不同的处理,具体取决于它们的...
Now just add the distortion to the screenPos; half4 final = tex2D( _GrabTexture, screenPos ); Sample the _GrabTexture, which is the screen texture, with the screenPos as texture coordinates. final.w = mainTex.w; Set the alpha to the masks alpha. ...
我看到有搜BP_Sky_Sphere拖拽进去的,也有教程让搜 Atmospheric Fog拖拽进去的,感觉效果是差不多的。 添加Camera 可以在左边里搜索Camera,拖到场景中,只要在Hierarchy里选中Camera时,就会出现一个小的相机窗口,如下图所示: 然而按Play之后,画面没有任何变化。因为UE4里只有Viewport窗口,不存在Game窗口。Unity则是默认有...
The Fragment Shader is a program that runs on each and every pixel that object occupies on-screen, and is usually used to calculate and output the color of each pixel. Usually there are millions of pixels on the screen, and the fragment shaders are executed for all of them! Optimizing ...
o.vertex = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); //位置从本地空间转投影空间 o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex); //unity内置UV tilling 和 offset return o; } //定义片段函数 fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target { // sample the texture ...
>> How to use it?<< Volumetric Light Beam is designed to be extremely easy to use. No setup is required. You don't have to link multiple objects together. You just need to use 1 simple new component. You can literally add a new light beam in 2 clicks!
StaticBluredScreen- Non-realtime (=static) screen blur for Unity. Easy to use background for dialogs AtlasImage- AtlasImage is a graphic component use SpriteAtlas for uGUI. In addition, add useful sprite selector and border editor to the inspector ...