Component[] componments2 = gameObject.GetComponents<Component>(); Debug.Log("componments2的长度:"+componments2.Length);for(inti =0; i < componments2.Length; i++) { Debug.Log("组件的名字:"+componments2[i]);//componments2[i] 是拿到组件的名字, componments2[i].name是拿到组件所在的游...
name); // 设置游戏对象是否需要特殊设置 print(Cube.hideFlags); /// 设置当前游戏对象不保存该对象移动后的信息 Cube.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; 04-Unity下的GameObjcet类方法 官方文档 代码语言:javascript 复制 SetActive 调用此方法,传入bool参数(true/false)可以使当前物体显示或者隐藏 AddComponent 为游...
然后Transform.gameObject; ③任意Component: a).Compontent有个公开的成员变量GameObject 二、找组件: ①GameObject: 获取到GameObject–>拿到成员transform–>利用Transform中的方法查找组件 ②Component: a).GetComponent() b).GetComponentInChildren c).GetComponentInParent d).GetCompontents e).GetComponentsInChildren...
Returns the component of Type type if the GameObject has one attached, null if it doesn't. Will also return disabled components.
var moveAmount = Speed * Time.deltaTime; // Update the position, move toward the player's position by moveAmount. _myTransform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(_myTransform.position, _playerTransform.position, moveAmount); } } In code, I can get a reference to any component exposed in ...
But you’ll get better visual results by following this rule. Collision Detection An object gets its mass from its RigidBody component, but you also need to tell Unity how to handle collisions with this object. The size and shape of your artwork or models doesn’...
UNT0010: MonoBehaviours should only be created using AddComponent(). MonoBehaviour is a component, and needs to be attached to a GameObject. UNT0011: ScriptableObject should only be created using CreateInstance(). ScriptableObject needs to be created by the Unity engine to handle Unity message meth...
The WWW class will use GET by default and POST if you supply a postData parameter.Additional resources: WWWForm for a way to build valid form data for the postData parameter.Note: URLs passed to WWW class must be '%' escaped.Notes http://, https:// and file:// protocols are ...
Unity assumes if an object doesn’t have a rigidbody component on it, it probably isn’t a moving object. It builds a static collision matrix internally to know where objects are, which enhances performance. When you move objects by moving the transform, this matrix has to be recalculated,...
privateButton[]btns;voidStart(){btns=FindObjectsOfType<Button>();for(int i=0;i<btns.Length;i++){Button btn=btns[i];// 使用Lambda表达式添加侦听方法btn.onClick.AddListener(()=>BtnClick(btn));}}/* 这里通过Button的名字进行操作*/publicvoidBtnClick(Button btn){switch({case"Start...