Debug.Log(raycast.point.x+"/"+ raycast.point.y); Debug.Log("clicked object name is --->" + raycast.collider.gameObject); } clicked = true; } //标记了才会自动导航 if (clicked) gameObject.transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(gameObject.transform.position, hitPoint, Time.deltaTime * spe...
target是继承的Editor类中的一个字段(get)。本身为Object类型,在拆箱后可以转换成上文Attribute:CustomEditor中的T,用来显示类中原本不会被绘制到Inspector窗口的信息,达到自定义的功能 public overridevoidOnInspectorGUI(){// 之前base.OnInspectorGUI();// 之后} base.OnInspectorGUI()会执行默认Inspector信息的绘制...
(released) { // Debug.Log("Executing pressup on: " + pointer.pointerPress); ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerUpHandler); // Debug.Log("KeyCode: " + pointer.eventData.keyCode); // see if we mouse up on the same element that we clicked on...
@interface UnityCallIOSLibAPI : NSObject// 在UnityFrameworkLoad之后的任何时候调用它来设置实现UnityCallsProtocol方法的对象+(void) registerAPIforUnityCalls:(id<UnityCallsProtocol>) aProtocol; @end 在Unity-iPhone/Libraries/Plugins/iOS/NativeCallProxy.mm中的OnAvatarClicked函数是Unity通过反射调用IOS的,所以...
一、在项目中添加“Windows Script Host Object Model”的引用 在项目上单击右键,选择“添加引用”,在“添加引用”对话框中选择“COM”组件选项卡,然后单击选择“Windows Script Host Object Model”,最后确定。在项目中就会出现“IWshRuntimeLibrary”,下面就可以编写代码了。 //需要引入IWshRuntimeLibrary,搜索Windows Scri...
They have one parameter of the following types: integer, float, string or object and no return type. Because the function you choose can be from a wide variety of places, it is easy to create your own function that will be called when something is clicked on. The easiest way is to ge...
1. In the Unity Editor, right-click in the Hierarchy window, then select 3D Object > Capsule.2. Name the capsule “Player”.3. With Player selected, add a NetworkObject component in the Inspector window by selecting Add Component > Netcode > NetworkObject....
在编辑器中右键生成Event Construct和Get Game Instance节点,从Event Construct拖出一条线,选择Construct Object from class,选择 MyTestObject ,并按照下图连接好各个节点。 b2 把变量拖到编辑器,拖出一条线,选择ButtonClicked,然后选择 Button 变量,点击下面的 Click 事件,生成节点,并连接好。
GetItemCount Get number of items in the menu. ShowAsContext Show the menu under the mouse when right-clicked. Delegates MenuFunction Callback function, called when a menu item is selected. MenuFunction2 Callback function with user data, called when a menu item is selected.Did...