//在bg_Sprite上添加TweenAlpha 控制渐隐效果: //在title_sprite上添加脚本 点击实现fade in fade out: FadeInAndOut OK.
4,在场景2中同样加入ui-image和代码,可以将 此设为prefab,再拖到场景二,但是要添加进入场景的fadein效果代码, usingSystem.Collections;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingUnityEngine;usingUnityEngine.UI;usingUnityEngine.SceneManagement;publicclassSceneFader:MonoBehaviour{publicImageblackimage;[SerializeField]private...
public Texture2D splashLogo; // the logo to splash; public float fadeSpeed = 0.3f; public float waitTime = 0.5f; // seconds to wait before fading out public bool waitForInput = false; // if true, this acts as a "press any key to continue" private float timeFadingInFinished = 0.0f...
1.Calling StartTrail(float timeToTweenTo,floatfadeInTime) andFadeOut(float fadeTime)will fade in andfade out the trail respectively. 调用StartTrail和FadeOut函数去实现渐显示和渐消失的效果。时间参数以1秒为一个单位。 2.Calling SetTime(float trailTime, floattimeToTweenTo,float tweenSpeed)can change...
This post is designed to instruct and help anyone looking to create a screen fade in/out script in Unity3D. Posted by Deceptive_Games on May 24th, 2014 Hello, We thought we would put another little unity dev tutorial up for your viewing. This tutorial will feature how to create a simpl...
.AppendTween( fadeOut ); tweenGroup.Play(); 将一个TweenGroup实例的Mode属性设置为TweenGroupMode.Sequential指定补间应在order中的顺序,而不是所有在同一时间。当上面的示例中,tweenGroup.Play被该对象调用时fade in淡入,将移动到(25,25,0)、暂停三秒,然后fade out淡出。请注意在使用TweenGroupMode.Sequential时...
By attaching a single component to your Canvas or root GameObject, all elements of the tree will automatically be faded in when activated, and automatically faded out when using CanvasControllerInstance.FadeOut(). It is highly versatile and easy to use, with little to no effort required to ...
6. 【Fade Out Mips】Enable this to make the mipmaps fade to gray as the MIP levels progress. This is used for detail maps. The left-most scroll is the first MIP level to begin fading out. The right-most scroll defines the MIP level where the Texture is completely grayed out. 启用此...
GUI.DrawTexture(newRect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),fadeOutTexture); } publicfloatBeginFade(intdirection) { alpha=1; fadeDir=direction; return(fadeSpeed); } } Apply Fading script to fadeGameobject in inspector window and give appropriate texture to it. ...