public bool facingRight = true; // For determining which way the player is currently facing. [HideInInspector] public bool jump = false; // Condition for whether the player should jump. public float moveForce = 365f; // Amount of force added to move the player left and right. public f...
Othello, and Go, all pieces move in the same way and therefore have equal value. Points are accumulated based on the particular arrangement of the pieces on the board (the theme generally being “capture territory”), not on the inherent value of the pieces themselves...
在层级视图中选择方块,然后选择Component\Scripts\Move Simple。这个步骤就是添加一个脚本行为给游戏对象,你也可以简单地选择你已经做好的脚本(名称为MoveSimple)。 after_movesimple_added(from raywenderlich) 注意,检查器现在包含一个MoveSimple的脚本段落。你可以在检查器视图中看到你在脚本、speed和rotateSpeed中定义...
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3 public class SpiderAttackMoveController : MonoBehaviour { 4 ...//此处省略了其他函数和变量等的声明,请读者自行查阅光盘 5 void FixedUpdate () { 6 enemyMove.movementDirection = player.position - transform.position;//计算敌人的移动方向 7 }} 说明 ...
Unity3D教程之如何使用 Enemy Aim Ai,TA技术美术,知识库/问答/笔记,一、Enemy Aim Ai目的: 这篇文章的主要目的是为了让您了解有关如何使用 Enemy Aim Ai 。你会得到结果:Enemy aim AI是非常有用的,当你想要敌人一直监视player。适当争取 ...
EnemyBehaviour enemyBehaviour; BulletBehaviour bulletBehaviour; } private void Path() { IPath iPath; PathBase pathBase; EllipsePath ellipsePath; EntERPath enterPath; EnterPath.MoveDirection moveDirection; StayOnTopPath stayOnTopPath; StraightPath straightPath; ...
public float targetSpeed=9.0f;//Speed At Which the Object Should Move void Update () transform.Translate (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,Input.GetAxis ("Vertical")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,0); } } 2、创建一个Enemy对象,由箭头和Cube组成, ...
public float targetSpeed=9.0f;//Speed At Which the Object Should Move void Update () transform.Translate (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,Input.GetAxis ("Vertical")*Time.deltaTime*targetSpeed,0); } } 2、创建一个Enemy对象,由箭头和Cube组成, ...
1 using UnityEngine; 2 using System.Collections; 3 4 public class Fish : MonoBehaviour { 5 6 /// 7 /// 移动速度 8 /// 9 protected float m_moveSpeed = 2.0f; 10 // 生命值 11 protected int m_life = 10; 12 13 public enum Target 14 { 15 Left=0, 16 Right=1 17 } 18 /...
003 Move Player With Keyboard 11:29 004 Enable First Person Mode 06:45 005 Enable Player To Look Left And Right 03:27 006 Enable Player To Look Up And Down 06:50 001 Generate Enemies 14:38 002 Build An Enemy Object 05:42 001 Build An Attack Particle System 09:43 002 Attack Upon Us...