Now that we know a click occurred, how do we tell what was actually clicked? Since this script doesn’t belong to an actual element of our game (just an empty, non-visual GameObject), we’ll need to use a Raycast to detect what, if anything, was in the spot the user clicked....
Click on game object 3d and then I'm going to create a cube. Click on SceneTwo open the scene Create The Sphere in Scene View Select GameObject, click the 3D object and pick the Sphere option. The Sphere object will be displayed in the scene view. The name is disp...
RaycastHit hitInfo;if(Physics.Raycast(ray,outhitInfo)){//划出射线,只有在scene视图中才能看到Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin,hitInfo.point); GameObject gameObj=hitInfo.collider.gameObject; Debug.Log("click object name is";//当射线碰撞目标为boot类型的物品,执行拾取操作if(gameObj.tag ==...
然后,设置UI按钮的各种onClick事件,用四个移动向量调用RunPlayerCommand命令。 查看示例项目中 InputManager的实现细节,或使用键盘或手柄设置您自己的输入。你的玩家现在可以导航到迷宫中了。单击“Undo”按钮,以便可以回溯到起始位置的方块中。 6.3 利与弊 实现可重放性或可撤销性就像生成一个命令对象集合一样简单。您...
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { // If you want to check who you collided with, // you should typically use tags, not names. if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Platform") { // Play footsteps or a landing sound. } } Triggers Sometimes you want to detect a collision bu...
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { // If you want to check who you collided with, // you should typically use tags, not names. if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Platform") { // Play footsteps or a landing sound. } } Triggers Sometimes you wan...
using UnityEngine; public class Clicker : MonoBehaviour { void OnMouseDown() { // Code here is called when the GameObject is clicked on. } } This is probably the easiest way to detect mouse clicks. If you are just starting out using Unity and only have a simple use case then this is...
但是对于Unity中某些需要作为Component挂载在GameObject上的单例类则需要做如下设置: //该类型的单例需要继承MonoBehavior,并且操作逻辑也与一般的单例不同 public class UnitySingletonTemplate<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : Component { private static readonly object sysLock = new object(); ...
In the Properties Window, open on the C/C++ dropdown. Select the Additional Include Directories section and click on <Edit..> in the dropdown. Add the paths for the following folders, replacing <parent-folder-path> with the full path to the parent folder for the OpenVINO ...
You can also detect particle collisions from a script if Send Collision Messages is enabled. The script can be attached to the ... Controls reference ObjectField A UnityEngine.Object value input field Yes Unity... Creating a NavMesh Agent Create a cylinder: GameObject > 3D Object > Cylinder....