//通过拖拽获取文件路径 string path; Rect rect; void OnGUI() { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("路径"); //获得一个长300的框 rect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(300)); //将上面的框作为文本输入框 path = EditorGUI.TextField(rect, path); //如果鼠标正在拖拽中或拖拽结束时,并且...
DebugGui =newGameObject(); DebugGui.AddComponent<GUIText>(); DebugGui.name ="DebugGUI(0)"; DebugGui.transform.position = defaultGuiPosition; DebugGui.transform.localScale = defaultGuiScale; } // Create our GUI objects to our maxMessages count Vector3 position = DebugGui.transform.position; g...
第一种方法:重写一个Text文本控件 需要新建一个脚本HyperlinkText .cs放到项目中,核心脚本代码如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.Events;using UnityEngine.E...
public static BulletScreenTextElement Create(BulletScreenDisplayer displayer, string textContent, bool showBox = false, ScrollDirection direction = ScrollDirection.RightToLeft) { BulletScreenTextElement instance = null; if (displayer == null) { Debug.Log("BulletScreenTextElement.Create(), displayer can ...
Debug.Log("BulletScreenTextElement.Create(), displayer can not be null !"); return null; } GameObject go = Instantiate(displayer.TextElementPrefab) as GameObject; go.transform.SetParent(displayer.GetTempRoot()); go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.up*10000F; ...
Label Make a text or texture label on screen. ModalWindow Show a Modal Window. PasswordField Make a text field where the user can enter a password. RepeatButton Make a button that is active as long as the user holds it down. ScrollTo Scrolls all enclosing scrollviews so they try to make...
For more information on how to access data from binary files, see bytes and GetData.For more information about importing text or binary files into your project as Text Assets, see Text Asset. Properties bytes The raw bytes of the text asset. (Read Only) dataSize The size of the text ...
TMPText更适用于不会变动的文字,特别是在量大的情况下,性能比Text高一些,需要经常变动的问题用Text好点,TMPText在字体库很大的情况下查找更换会比较慢。 💙动画系统 1. 请描述游戏动画有哪几种,以及其原理? 主要有关节动画、⻣骼动画、单一网格模型动画(关键 帧动画)。
Debug 调试 Ping 检测网络状态或延迟行为 Open in import Activity Window 在导入活动窗口中打开 Layout 布局 2by3 4Split Default 默认 Tall Wide Other Versions 其他版本 Save Layout...保存布局 Save Layout to File...保存布局 Load Layout from File...保存到文件 ...