s up and right is camera's right directionVector = Camera.main.transform.rotation * directionVector; // Rotate input vector to be perpendicular to character's up vector var camToCharacterSpace = Quaternion.FromToRotation(-Camera.main.transform.forward, transform.up); directionVector = (camToChar...
Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. 这个函数的作用是把物体的fromDirection旋转到toDirection 脚本: var a:Vector3; var b:Vector3; var q:Quaternion; var headUpDir:Vector3; q.SetFromToRotation(a,b); transform.rotation=q; headUpDir=transform.TransformDirection(Vector...
Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. Usually you use this to rotate a transform so that one of its axes eg. the y-axis - follows a target direction toDirection in world space. 跟SetFromToRotation差不多,区别是可以返回一个Quaternion。通常用来让transform的一个轴向...
Quaternion使用给定的 x、y、z、w 分量构造新的四元数。 Public Functions Set设置现有四元数的 x、y、z 和 w 分量。 SetFromToRotation创建一个从 fromDirection 旋转到 toDirection 的旋转。 SetLookRotation使用指定的 forward 和 upwards 方向创建旋转。
This is because Unity converts rotation to a Quaternion which does not have the concept of a full 360-degree rotation plus 5 degrees, and instead is set to orient the same way as the result of the rotation.Implications for scripting
this.UpdateCameraBaseRotation(true); this.RecalculateReferenceRotation(); private void Awake() gyroAvaiable = SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope; private static Quaternion ConvertRotation(Quaternion q) return new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, -q.z, -q.w); ...
SetFromToRotation Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. SetLookRotation Creates a rotation with the specified forward and upwards directions. ToAngleAxis Converts a rotation to angle-axis representation (angles in degrees). ToString Returns a formatted string for this quate...
地形设置是指Unity中的地型导出设置,勾选Convert Terrain To Mesh后,如果场景中有地型,会转换地型为网格。 动画设置 Animation setting Animation setting(动画设置)当前有两个功能,分别是动画压缩Compress和预烘焙骨骼动画Previously Skeletal Animation。
This might lead to incorrect numbers in stacktraces and compiler errors.Many text editors can fix this using Convert Line Endings menu commands. 虽然警告不影响正常使用,但是强迫症看到警告还是想要解决掉,网上查了查找到了原因: 通过Unity3D编辑器创建的脚本文件是以"LF"结尾(Unix平台),MonoDevelop IDE创建...
位置拿到了,接下来需要根据位置生成大量飞剑,并将飞剑转换为Entity,我们可以选择给飞剑的预制体添加Convert To Entity脚本的方法进行转换: 但点开Convert To Entity查看,发现它也是继承了MonoBehaviour,很明显它不会自己在编辑器中转换好,所以我们需要在运行的过程中将飞剑的预制体转换为Entity,代码如下: ...