Collider型对象.layerOverridePriority int型。 在Unity检测两个碰撞器所依附的游戏对象是否会发生碰撞时,Collider型对象型对象.includeLayers和Collider型对象型对象.excludeLayers都会决定它们是否会发生碰撞。 当没有出现矛盾时,这两个碰撞器的Collider型对象型对象.includeLayers和Collider型对象型对象.excludeLayers都会共同...
providesContactsWhether or not this Collider generates contacts for Physics.ContactEvent. sharedMaterial该碰撞体的共享物理材质。 公共函数 ClosestPoint返回碰撞体上最接近给定位置的一个点。 ClosestPointOnBounds与附加碰撞体的包围盒最接近的点。 Raycast投射除这一个外忽略其他所有 Colliders 的 Ray。
To receive contacts from a Collider, set the Collider.providesContacts property to true or attach a MonoBehaviour script with an OnCollisionStay method. using System.Collections.Generic; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Jobs; using UnityEngine;public class BounceScipt : MonoBehaviour { [...
掌握Contacts、物理更新次数、Rigidbody、 Collider等物理相关的基本概念 了解物理更新次数的影响因素和限制方法 掌握常见的替代物理模拟的优化方案 掌握如何使用Profiler分析和确认Contacts的数量 难度: 预计学习时长:3小时 目录: 第一章:物理模块耗时 1.1 Collision的产生 ...
Player creations inRobocraft 2consist of many Rigidbodies withCompound Collidersconstrained together by joints, which can be smashed or stacked on top of one another. Further improvements to overall performance of the physics simulation can be gained withCollision Caching, which additionally allows for...
Game components include sprites, collider 2D and 2D physics 2D. Scripts include drag by mouse and wall bounces. Here are the excerpts: first, a C# script for the mouse. private void OnMouseDrag() { _isHeld = true; _mouse.x = Input.mousePosition.x; ...
m_IslandSolverContactsPerJob: 50 m_AutoSimulation: 1 m_QueriesHitTriggers: 1 m_QueriesStartInColliders: 1 m_CallbacksOnDisable: 1 m_ReuseCollisionCallbacks: 1 m_AutoSyncTransforms: 0 m_AlwaysShowColliders: 0 m_ShowColliderSleep: 1 m_ShowColliderContacts: 0 m_ShowColliderAABB: 0 m_ContactArr...
to avoid needing to retweak physics slightly. PCM can result in a slightly different bounce, and fewer useless contacts end up in the contacts buffers (that is, the arrays you get in theCollisionA collision occurs when the physics engine detects that the colliders of two GameObjects make con...