当需要检查 GUI.changed 是否在代码块中设置为 true 时,请按如下方式将代码封装在 ChangeCheckScope 中: using UnityEditor;class ExampleClass { void ExampleMethod() { using (var check = new EditorGUI.ChangeCheckScope()) { // Block of code with controls // that may set GUI.changed to true if...
我使用的是 Unity 2023.3.0b8 版本,它的 Unity Registry 里面已经搜索不到 Visual Studio Code Editor 了 根据Unity Development with VS Code这篇文章的说法,只需要 Visual Studio Editor 版本在2.0.20或更高就行了,Visual Studio Code Editor包已经不维护了 安装CodeGeeX 访问codegeex 官网,然后下载 Visual Stu...
已為非行為類型(如 Editor 或 EditorWindow)新增 Unity 訊息支援。 切換至 Roslyn 以插入和格式化 Unity 訊息。錯誤修正偵錯工具: 已修正評估泛型類型時 Unity 當機的錯誤。 已修正可為空值類型的處理。 已修正列舉處理方法。 已修正巢狀成員類型的處理。 修正了集合索引器的存取問題。 已修正 C# 新編譯器對反覆...
interface in Unity.CodeEditor 描述 定义将外部脚本编辑器集成到 UnityEditor 中的处理职责。 变量 Installations为编辑器提供此实例支持的已知和受支持编辑器。 公共函数 Initialize在 PreferenceWindow 中选择 IExternalCodeEditor 后,对该编辑器进行回调。
Even though Unity comes with a decent script editor (Mono), a lot of people like to use another one instead. This short article explains how to change the script editor and introduces a few alternatives to Mono. The default script editor: Mono ...
Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; public class ChangeMat : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("Tools/ChangeNewMat")] static void ChangeNewMat() { GameObject obj = Selection.activeGameObject; foreach (Renderer it in obj.transform.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>()) { Material mat = AssetData...
usingUnityEditor; [InitializeOnLoad] publicclassNightsWatch { #region Public Attributes #endregion #region Private Attributes privatestaticList m_crows =newList(); #endregion #region Public Methods staticNightsWatch() { if(!EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) ...
using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;namespaceSK.Framework{/// <summary>/// 替换器/// </summary>publicclassReplacer:EditorWindow{[MenuItem("SKFramework/Replacer")]publicstaticvoidOpen(){varwindow=GetWindow<Replacer>("Replacer");window.maxSize=newVector2(300f,60f);window.minSize=newVector2(300f...
It also contains a plugin for the Unity editor that is used to communicate with Rider. Changes marked with a "Rider:" prefix are specific to Rider, while changes for the Unity editor plugin are marked with a "Unity editor:" prefix. No prefix means that the change is common to both ...
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