Shadow Resolution 阴影设置分辨率,分辨率越高,开销越大 Shadow Projection 阴影投射, 平行光的投射投影有两种: Close Fit渲染高分辨率阴影, Stable Fit渲染低分辨率阴影; Shadow Distance: 相机阴影可见的最大距离,超过这个距离阴影不会被计算和绘制;就是物体到摄像机的距离 Shadow Casades : 阴影重叠,重叠数目越高,...
Control Texture Resolution控制不同地形纹理之间混合的“泼溅贴图”(splatmap) 的分辨率。 Base Texture Resolution在地形上使用的复合纹理从大于 Basemap Distance 的距离查看时的分辨率。 Require resampling on change表示更改Texture Resolutions下的属性时,Editor 会将地形瓦片的内容调整为您指定的新大小,这可能会影响内...
Shadow resolution options for a Light. See Also: Light.shadowResolution, QualitySettings.shadowResolution, Shadow map size calculation. Properties FromQualitySettings Use resolution from QualitySettings (default). Low Low shadow map resolution. Medium Medium shadow map resolution. High High shadow map re...
See Also: Light.shadowResolution, QualitySettings.shadowResolution, Shadow map size calculation. Properties FromQualitySettings Use resolution from QualitySettings (default). Low Low shadow map resolution. Medium Medium shadow map resolution. High High shadow map resolution. VeryHigh Very high shadow map...
Shadow Type阴影类型:Hard 硬阴影、Soft软阴影。 Strength 硬度:阴影的黑暗程度。 Resolution分辨率:设置阴影的细节程度。 Bias 偏移:物体与阴影的偏移。 通过Mesh Renderer组件启用和禁用阴影(针对于某个物体下,该组件在物体下) Cast/Receive Shadows当前物体是否投射/接收阴影。
11.Only run code when things change 0 Let’s look at a very simple example of optimizing code so that it only runs when things change. In the following code, DisplayScore() is called in Update(). However, the value of the score may not change with every frame. This means that we...
OnWaypointChange(TweenCallback callback) //设置一个回调,该回调将在当前路径之间的路径更改时触发。这是一个特殊的回调,与其他回调相反,需要接受一个类型的参数。int(这将是新更改的路点索引)。 void Start() { transform.DOPath(waypoints, 1).OnWaypointChange(MyCallback); ...
The following is a summary from the things we had to consider and change in the game in order to increase the performance and reach the targeted frame rate during the intense optimization sessions. Once the basic game functionalities were in place, it was time to make sure the game performanc...
In Unity, change Texture Quality in Edit > Project Settings > Quality Settings. Fill rate refers to the pixels that can be drawn per second by the GPU. In Unity, use the XRSettings.renderViewportScale property.Optimize depth buffer sharingWe recommend that you enable Depth buffer sharing to...