A build started with BuildContent uses the variable settings of the active Profile. To set the active Profile as part of your customized build script, assign the ID of the desired profile to the activeProfileId field of the AddressableAssetSettingsDefaultObject.Settings object. 译:要设置活动配置...
Just drop any GUIText game object onto this exposed field or use the search widget where this script component exposes the Score Text variable in the editor. Figure 8 Creating the _scoreText Variable XML Copy public class GameController : MonoBehaviour { private int _score; // Drag a Gui...
Figure 8 shows the Enemy cube with the script assigned to it. Figure 8 The Enemy with a Script Assigned to It Take a look at the code in Figure 9 and note the public variable. If you look in the Editor, you can see that my public variable appears with an option to override the de...
Next we need to build a simple script which allows you to send your character to the destination specified by another Game Obje... Creating UI elements from scripting For example, a prefab for a button could be a Game Object with a Image component and a Button component, and a child Gam...
including free third-party libraries such as iTween.Figure 1shows some manual ways to move an object in Unity. Note that for simplicity, they haven’t been optimized (to do so, I’d hold a reference to the transform in a variable to prevent going from managed ...
if the C variable is ok, the next step is to convert the angles into rotations which we can apply to our segments. Also, as we are working with local rotations, we rotate around global vectors (Vector3.right). if (!float.IsNaN(C)) { { var upperRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis((-B...
“Attach to Unity” button for debugging in the standard Debug toolbar. Figure A shows where this button is located. This button will automatically find the Unity Editor’s process and attach to it. From there you can seamlessly set breakpoints, ana...
Unfortunately, Unity does not perform the same processing when using Unity's Internal Build System, so the Android Resolver plugin handles known cases of this variable substitution by exploding the AAR into a folder and replacing ${applicationId} with the bundleID. Disabling AAR explosion and ...
Another way of scoping translations are through file names. It is possible to tell the plugin where to look for translation files. It is possible to parameterize these paths with the variable {GameExeName}. Example configuration that seperates translations for each executable: [Files] Directory=Tr...
When reloading scripts, Unity restores all variables - including private variables - that fulfill the requirements for serialization, even if a variable has no SerializeField attribute. In some cases, you specifically need to prevent private variables from being restored: For example, if you want a...