Bilinear The Texture becomes blurry up close Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the different mip levelsSprite (2D and UI)Property:Function: Sprite mode Selects how the the sprite graphic will be extracted from the image. Single The sprite image will be used in isolati...
Enable dynamic atlassing of sprites. In runtime EventSystem when using the Input System package, converted multiple PointerMoveEvents and WheelEvents occuring during a single frame into single combined events, reducing impact on performance. UIDocuments are now sorted by a float field in the inspector...
When I zoomed in on the captain's image, I noticed it was quite blurry due to incorrect sprite settings. To fix this, select the Idle Sword 01 texture in the Project window and set the Filter Mode to Point (no filter). Now the image looks much better. ...
Hi, the package works great whenever the scale of the sprites is set to (1,1). However, as soon as I change the scale the sprites become very distorted and don’t render properly. Do you have any idea what could cause this or how to fix it? Thanks. Alexander Ociassays: November 11...
Bilinear The Texture becomes blurry up close Trilinear Like Bilinear, but the Texture also blurs between the different mip levelsSprite (2D and UI)Property:Function: Sprite mode Selects how the the sprite graphic will be extracted from the image. Single The sprite image will be used in isolati...
When I zoomed in on the captain's image, I noticed it was quite blurry due to incorrect sprite settings. To fix this, select the Idle Sword 01 texture in the Project window and set the Filter Mode to Point (no filter). Now the image looks much better. ...
When using the 2D Renderer, Sprites will render with a faster rendering path when no lights are present. Particle shaders now receive shadows The Scene view now mirrors the Volume Layer Mask set on the Main Camera. Drawing order of SRPDefaultUnlit is now the same as the Built-in Render Pi...