shell脚本的颜色集成 set +e set -o noglob # # Set Colors # bold=$(tput bold) underline=$...
There are MeshRender and SpriteRender Components; Components for audio and camera functionality; physics-related Components (colliders and rigidbodies), particle systems, path-finding systems, third-party custom Components, and more. You use a script Component to assign code to an object. Components...
通过深度获取子对象:容器.getChildAt( 深度值 ); 通过name获取子对象:先给子对象设置 = "sprite2";再控制: var _spr:egret.DisplayObject = sprcon.getChildByName( "sprite2" ); _spr.alpha = 0.5; 7.类似于android的eventbus发送事件(区别:注册是发送者要做的) 数据的监听类型:DateEvent.DATE ...
Sprite Lit Shader Graph:光照图片着色器 Decal Shader Graph:贴花着色器 界面说明 选择LitShaderGraph,命名为Shader Graph Learn,弹出面板 Vetex-顶点着色器 Position:模型顶点坐标 Normal:模型顶点法线向量 Tangent:模型顶点切线向量 FragMent-片元着色器 Base Color:基础颜色,纹理贴图在该片元上投影的像素颜色 Normal(...
public Color color ; 描述 为精灵图形渲染颜色。选定的顶点颜色变为渲染颜色,并且可以在像素着色器中访问。未选择颜色时,默认颜色为白色。 //This example outputs Sliders that control the red green and blue elements of a sprite's color //Attach this to a GameObject and attach a SpriteRenderer ...
UPDATE: Ignore all the below, all my testing was useless. I had the sprite as a serialized reference in an asset bundle, the texture properties are not updated unless the bundle was rebuilt. You can disregard, I was able to get it working. ...
在这个方法中 我们使用了System.IO中的ReadAllBytes 并将byte[]作为参数输入到Unity API中的Texture2D.LoadImage方法 并使用texture2D创建Sprite 并存放入Artworks中 而我们想要调用这个方法 则只需: LoadArtWorksByPath(newDirectoryInfo("目标文件夹的绝对路径")); ...
3.根据路径获取图片类型,三大类:Default、NormalMap、Sprite,设置图片类型 4.修改读写设置、mipmap设置 5.设置贴图尺寸 //展示角色高模贴图 2048 低模1024 //敌兵Boss 2048 敌方小兵 1024 //地形等贴图最大上限1024 //特效贴图256限制 动画序列帧512 6.设置图片压缩格式 XXModelImporter-->OnPreImportAsset\On...
Unity Sprite Uber Shader An Uber Shader for Unity specialised in rendering Alpha Blended objects like sprites. It has a ton of features and a nifty Shader GUI meaning its very easy to use. It's also modular so features you don't use don't impact performance at all. Because it supports ...
Inherit(继承):设定了Color(颜色)、Size(尺寸)、Rotation(旋转)、Lifetime(生命)Nothing(没有任何)几种继承其粒子属性的值。 19)Texture Sheet Animation图片小片动画 Mode(模式):提供了Grid(格子)和sprite(雪碧)两种模式。 Tiles(平铺数):一张图标被切割的数量。x是横轴的数量,y是纵轴数量。