Starting 2023.1, IMGUI's text is blurrier than at small point sizes and on low-resolution screens. link to forum post: Versions: 2023.1, 2023.2, 2023.3Resolution Note (fix version 6000.0.1f1): Expose an option in the Edit...
Working with the default Unity text, you might have noticed that sometimes stretching or resizing the object causes it to look blurry. This is because the text doesn’t hold information of what it would look like when resized, and Unity therefore has to “improvise” and attempt to generate ...
To display text in Unity, there are three types of text components you can use—UI Text, 3D Text Mesh, and Text Mesh Pro. By default, UI Text and 3D Text Mesh appear blurry and are too large. Changing a few variables results in sharper, higher-quality text with a manageable size in...
Fixed moving UIDocument under existing inactive UIDocument not calculating parent relationship right away Fixed assigning UXML to UIDocument for the first time not showing in Game View Fixed small artifacts and blurry text during runtime. (issue ID 1262249) Fixed zoom affects text wrapping. (issue...
The images below show bitmap and SDF font assets and the rendered text they produce. The bitmap fonts produce text whose edges are more or less jagged and blurry, depending on how far the text is from the camera, and how it’s transformed and distorted. The SDF font produces text with...
Values greater than 0 produce increasingly soft/blurry edges.This setting applies to both the text face and the outline. Dilate Adjust the position of the text contour in the font distance field.A value of 0 places the contour halfway, which corresponds to the contour of the original fo...
If your terrain is large, it may end up very blurry. Detail Textures hide this fact by fading in small details as your main Texture gets closer.Cuando se dibuje detail texture, un gris neutral es invisible, blanco hace que la textura principal sea el doble de brillante y negro hace que...
2015-06-11 23:32 −新装的电脑安装了UNITY后,操作界面的字体异常模糊,搜了半天看看有没有换字体的功能,也没找到 后来快放弃的时候,偶然看到这篇文章 ,觉得可能是自己显卡的问题,家里的新配的电脑是G... ...
You might have noticed how the normal Text is kinda blurry, which gets worse when scaling the UI. I just recommend using Text Mesh Pro it an do anything and more, and is not really much harder to use (or hard to use at all). ...
Blurry Light 我们需要全力奔跑,才能停留在原地 把不该解耦的东西强行解耦的结果就是调试地狱。 出了bug 堆栈到消息分发的地方就断了,根本找不到是谁发的这个消息。… 阅读全文 赞同 5111 条评论 分享 收藏喜欢 Unity 为新收费模式道歉,将对首发方案进行修改,你对该事件有何看法?