i'm beginner on unity and game development. i'm trying to make a platformer game with unity, and i want to play a animation when the player is moving right or left, but the problem is that theisMovingvariable for some reason is true animation is playing for a few moments (less than ...
先播放动画: animation.Play("Jump"); 暂停跳跃动画: pausetime=animation["Jump"].time; animation["Jump"].Stop(); 继续跳跃动画: animation["Jump"].time=pausetime; animation.Play("Jump"); 方法二:很简单先播放动画: animation.Play("Jump"); 暂停动画: animation["Jump"].speed=0; 继续动画: anim...
The issue is that I need to do a bit of more work on the animation in unity : I need to add some colliderboxes to the animation (for each frame). When I am in the unity animation window and I try to play the animation while in the dopesheet, the animation does not play. I ...
animation["shootUpperBody"].wrapMode =WrapMode.Clamp;//Put idle and run in a lower layer. They will only animate if our action animations are not playinganimation["idle"].layer = -1; animation["run"].layer = -1; animation.Stop(); } function Update () {if(Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis("...
public bool isPlaying ; 説明 Is an animation currently being played? Copyright © 2018 Unity Technologies. Publication 2018.2 チュートリアルAnswersナレッジベースフォーラムアセットストア法律関連プライバシーポリシークッキー私の個人情報を販売または共有しない Cookie 偏好 フィードバック...
Animator is not playing an AnimatorController. 如果gameobject的activeSelf=false,当你播放animator时,会得到此警告并且,设置参数是无效的. Selectable 是先调用前一个的OnDeselect,然后再将Event System的SelectObject设为此物体,调用此物体OnSelect // Event Systempublicvoid SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected, ...
// Stop animations that are already playing停止已经播放的动画 //(万一 user 忘记的话,自动disable播放) animation.Stop(); } function Update () { // Based on the key that is pressed,基于按下的键 // play the walk animation or the idle animation播放走,站动画 ...
if(!this.animation.IsPlaying(animName)){//播放动画this.animation.Play(animName);}}//在这里更新敌人状态void UpdateEmenyState(){//判断敌人与主角之间的距离float distance = Vector3.Distance(player.transform.position,this.transform.position);//当敌人与主角的距离小于10 敌人将开始面朝主角追击if(...
if(animation.isPlaying) { } if(animation.IsPlaying("attack1")) { } 大家在仔细想想这个命题,我们可以把动画分成4中可能的队列,也只可能分为这几种队列。 站立动画- 》攻击动画0 -》站立动画 站立动画- 》攻击动画0 -》攻击动画1 -》站立动画 ...
ishated=true; } else {//hero.SendMessage("monsterdead!"); m_state=m_dead; if(!isdie) {//没有死亡 gameObject.animation.Play("die"); isdie = true; } if(!gameObject.animation.isPlaying) {//判断是否播放动画,没播放了就销毁 Destroy(gameObject); } } } liuhanxuzml Particle 8 Destr...