Animator is not playing an AnimatorController. 如果gameobject的activeSelf=false,当你播放animator时,会得到此警告并且,设置参数是无效的. Selectable 是先调用前一个的OnDeselect,然后再将Event System的SelectObject设为此物体,调用此物体OnSelect // Event Systempublicvoid SetSelectedGameObject(GameObject selected, B...
4: legacy Set to true if the AnimationClip will be used with the Legacy Animation component ( instead of the Animator ). 5: length Animation length in seconds. (Read Only) 6: localBounds AABB of this Animation Clip in local space of Animation component that it is attached too. 7: wrap...
当Animator.applyRootMotion属性为false时,绑定Animator组件所处节点的TransformStreamHandle会导致角色位置异常。 二、限制/规则 PlayableGraph.IsPlaying()方法的返回值 Editor...
4: legacy Set to true if the AnimationClip will be used with the Legacy Animation component ( instead of the Animator ). 5: length Animation length in seconds. (Read Only) 6: localBounds AABB of this Animation Clip in local space of Animation component that it is attached too. ...
方法1、AnimatorStateInfo 在脚本中添加代码 //检查是否正在播放jump动画. AnimatorStateInfo stateinfo = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); bool playingJump = stateinfo.IsName("jump"); if(playingJump) { if(stateinfo.normalizedTime < 1.0f) ...
此时在Unity导航菜单栏中选择Window -》 Animator。 将动画文件拖入Animator窗口中,你会发现两个模型都开始发生运动。如下图所示,黄颜色表示它为原始动画,也就是根动画。用箭头将它们一一前后相连,箭头实际上就是动画播放的条件。请注意看图中两个蓝色的箭头,A播放完后将会播放B动画,可是B却对应了两个箭头,也就是...
不要使用字符串来查询Animator 使用曲线标记来处理动画事件 使用Target Marching函数来协助处理动画 6. 粒子系统 围绕粒子系统相关优化更全面的内容可以参考《粒子系统优化——如何优化你的技能特效》。 6.1 Playing粒子系统数量 UWA统计了粒子系统数量和Playing状态的粒子系统数量。前者是指内存中所有的ParticleSystem的总数...
StopStops all playing animations that were started with this Animation. Inherited Members Properties enabledEnabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not. isActiveAndEnabledReports whether a GameObject and its associated Behaviour is active and enabled. ...