LastInputVector.Normalize(); } if (bUseDegreeThreshold && !LastInputVector.IsNearlyZero()) { FVector ForwardVector = CharacterOwner->GetActorForwardVector(); float ForwardCosAngle = FVector::DotProduct(ForwardVector, LastInputVector); float ForwardDeltaDegree = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Acos(F...
Get Actor Rotation:获取当前对象的旋转信息 Get Control Rotation:获取摄像机的旋转信息 Get Actor Forward Vector:获取当前对象的面朝的方向 条件 Branch:分支,相当于if,其中Condition可以是Greater(大于)、Less(小于)等 资源管理 Spawn Actor from class:用于创建蓝图类,在class中可以选择相应的蓝图类 OpenLevel:加载...
//以当前距离与最大距离的商为Lerp函数的Alpha值,距离越远,速度越快。 AddActorWorldOffset(UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector( UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(SelfLoc, TarLoc)) * MoveSpeed); //获取目标相对于相机的方向(长度为1),乘以预定的移动速度,每帧向目标偏移 } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
const FRotator Rotation = Controller->GetControlRotation(); const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0); // get forward vector const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X); AddMovementInput(Direction, Value.GetMagnitude()); } } void AInsideEnhancedInputCharact...
在宏中设置Actor旋转set Actor rotation。 设置new rotation旋转参数。 角色运动character movement——获得当前地板信息get current floor——中断Finding Floor result——中断hit result——impact normal地板法线作为“利用zx轴旋转Make Rot From ZX”的Z轴,获取玩家向前向量Get Actor forward vector作为X轴。
getControlRotation() rightDir = FRotator(roll: rot.roll, yaw: rot.yaw).getRightVector() forwardDir = FRotator(yaw: rot.yaw).getForwardVector() self.addMovementInput(rightDir, movementVector.x, false) self.addMovementInput(forwardDir, movementVector.y, false) proc look(value: FInputAction...
Added "get_forward_vector()" to rotation and transform, retrieves the unit vector on the rotation's X-axis Added support for Deepin in PythonAPI's Added support for spawning and controlling walkers (pedestrians) Updated BasicAgent to allow setting target_speed and handle US-style tr...
19 - Control Rotation 04:51 20-VEC~1 06:55 21 - Get Forward Vector 06:14 22 - Importing Assets 10:39 23 - Geometry Brushes BSP 08:53 24 - Materials and Lighting 05:51 25 - Actor Components 06:09 26 - Collision Meshes 09:05 27 - Variables 07:48 28 - Booleans and Branches 05...
FVector LocalToWorldRotationY; FVector LocalToWorldRotationZ;// 位置.FVector Origin;// 局部空间的包围盒.FVector LocalExtent;// 是否可见.boolbVisible =false;// 是否处于远景.boolbDistantScene =false;// 所在图集的信息.boolbAllocated =false; ...
This is a current rig I am using. I could change all the controls to custom bone shapes, but this rig is only for me. I just use the bones(time is money and I’m just making animations to get them into the engine and hurrying up to get right to the logic). I also wanted to ...