即:FString MyCharacterPath = FString(TEXT("'Blueprint /Game/Core/BP_MyCharacter.BP_MyCharacter_C'"));。 同样的,加载UClass同样还有一个函数LoadClass,也只是将StaticLoadClass封装成模板而已: /** * Load a class object * @see StaticLoadClass */ template< class T > inline UClass* LoadClass( ...
2.1 FSoftClassPath 2.2 FSoftObjectPath 2.3 TSoftClassPtr 2.4 TSoftObjectPtr 3. 同步加载 3.1 使用LoadClass + FString 3.2 使用FSreamableManager + TSoftObjectPtr 3.3 使用FSreamableManager + TSoftClassPtr 4. 异步加载 4.1 使用FSreamableManager + FString 4.2 使用FSreamableManager + FSoftObjectPath...
在C++代码中,要调用蓝图类对象,首先得通过LoadClass获取蓝图类,再通过UClass获取到Actor对象,因为这是一个蓝图创建的Actor,C++代码中只能通过反射来获取或者修改Actor对象的属性值。获取Actor的代码如下: FS…
主要看LaunchAndroid.cpp这个文件。Java侧GameActivity继承于NativeActivity,该activity内部会调用一些方法创建如loadNativeCode、ANativeActivity_onCreate等,最终会走到UE代码LaunchAndroid.cpp中android_main方法,这里设置了事件处理函数。 出现错误"ERROR: cmd.exe failed with args /c",去项目设置-平台-安卓,点击 ...
I’ve tried editing paths, to no avail, and usually just end up breaking the project so it won’t load. 1 Like myspark (myspark) April 2, 2024, 6:08am 15 Have you solved the problem? I also created a C++class in the blueprint project, which directly caused...
NewFileName.Append(TEXT("_C'")); GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 20.0f, FColor::Red, *NewFileName); NewFileName=UKismetStringLibrary::Concat_StrStr(TEXT("Blueprint'"), NewFileName); UClass* Class = LoadClass<AActor>(NULL, *NewFileName); ...
我们需要调用unreal.get_default_object来获取CDO(Class Default Object),然后使用set_editor_property来完成功能; bp_class = unreal.load_class(None, '/Game/NewBlueprint.NewBlueprint_C') cdo = unreal.get_default_object(bp_class) cdo.set_editor_property('var', 102) ...
Ideally, your project's root also contains no spaces and is located somewhere such as D:\Project instead of C:\Users\My Name\My Documents\Unreal Projects.2.1.3 Never Use Unicode Characters And Other SymbolsIf one of your game characters is named 'Zoë', its folder name should be Zoe. ...
classFNewCreateModule:publicIModuleInterface { public: /** IModuleInterface implementation */ virtualvoidStartupModule()override; virtualvoidShutdownModule()override; }; 以及定义: NewCreateModule.cpp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 #include"NewCreateModule.h" ...