HLA loci are highly polymorphic. Polymorphisms in the HLA loci often result in differences in the amino acid sequences of HLA proteins. This HLA diversity allows a wide range of different antigens to be presented to immune cells within a population. However, these variations in HLA sequence als...
Quantitative flow cytometry allows for assessments of variations in expression levels of HLA class I molecules in cells from a single blood donor over time, as well as averaged measurements across donors for the same allotype. Since all HLA class I molecules are structurally-related, cellular ...
a person receives two alleles, one from each parent. Variations of the same trait or separate traits might occur from the existence of different alleles.
Two French gynecologists carried out ultrasound scans on three “healthy volunteers” by measuring variations in their blood flow patterns to decipher just how their sexual organs moved during different types of sex. These women were asked to arouse themselves through manual self-stimulation of the ex...
Variations in the topics discussed and the level of openness to church-led firearm safety interventions resulted in participants grouping themselves into three categories. Group 1's Christian faith and their passion for firearms, whether for collecting or sport, were inextricably linked. They, however...
Genetic predisposition: Susceptibility to MS may occur due to variations in a gene known as HLA-DRB1, which has been consistently associated with MS. HLA-DRB1 gene encodes proteins that help immune cells such as T-cells, distinguish between the body’s own proteins and foreign ones. ...
(Fig.3B).TREM2is a marker of microglia and macrophages [68,69]; however, on the epigenetic level at this site, it seems to be specific to microglia. Lastly, a CpG nearHLA-DOB, a major histocompatibility complex gene highly expressed on B cells [70], is used in Layer 3 of the ...
295, 73, and 148 variations were observed in 51 HPV16, 7 HPV18, and 11 HPV58 genomes, respectively. HPV16 isolates were predominantly of the A variant lineage, and sublineage A4 (Asian) was the most common. However, there were no significant differences in the distribution of HPV16 A1–3 ...
Despite major advances over the past decade, prevention and treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) remain suboptimal, with large and unexplained variations in individual responses to interventions. The current classification schema for diabetes mellitus does not capture the complexity of this diseas...
We examined the perceived variations in bacterial community structure, finding that dietary preferences and evolutionary kinship exerted more significant impacts than geographic placement. The degree of phylogenetic connection among nest hosts plays a key role in shaping the bacterial community, whereas the...